What is IMCU medical abbreviation?

What is IMCU in medical terms?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the IMCU abbreviation. However, what is the meaning of the IMCU medical abbreviation?

What does IMCU stand for in medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation IMCU means Intermediate Medical Care Unit.

IMCU: Intermediate Medical Care Unit

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACTMAustralasian College of Tropical Medicine
ADHPAlabama Dental Hygiene Program
ASDAtrial Septal Defect
AVMAAmerican Veterinary Medical Association
BHSbehavioral health services; beta-hemolytic streptococci
CAAEChina Association Against Epilepsy
CERHCenter for Environmental and Respiratory Health
CFCAColony Forming Cells And Aggregates
CHCCChristian Health Care Center
CHIClosed Head Injury
CRLCrown-Rump Length
CaCancer; carcinoma. For example, a patient who undergoing treatment for cancer should assure that they are eating and drinking enough fluids daily, both during and after treatment.
D&Adrug and alcohol
DEBMDivision of Evidence Based Medicine
DMBIDiploma in Medical Billing and Insurance
DUBdysfunctional uterine bleeding
DUHDrive for Universal Healthcare
EEEthinyl estradiol
EHemployee health
FESCFrontier Extended Stay Clinics
FFAILFridge failure
FTIfree testosterone index
FXSfragile X syndrome
GHIHgrowth hormone-inhibiting hormone
GMOgenetically modified organism
H FLUHaemophilus Influenza
HIDHealth Information Design; herniated intervertebral disc
HNVhas not voided
HSPIHealth Strategy and Policy Institute
HTCMHospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Hib-MenCY-TTHib-Meningococcal (Bivalent) Conjugate Vaccine (MenHibrix®)
IAAAMInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine
IDGinterdisciplinary group
IEPImage Exchange Portal
IVFIntravenous Fluids; also In Vitro Fertilization
LCLLateral Collateral Ligament
LD50lethal dose at which 50% of animal test group dies
LEDLight-emitting diode
LETZloop electrosurgical excision procedure
LUAleft upper arm
LUQLeft Upper Quadrant
M&MMorbidity and Mortality
MSFmeconium stained fluid
NBIMCNaval Bloodborne Infection Management Center
NDRDNon Diabetic Renal Disease
NMnon monitored; nodular melanoma; neuromuscular
NSCRNursing Services Cost Report
NSIADNon-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (medication)
NSTMNational School of Tropical Medicine
O&Gobstetrics and gynecology
PADQPakistan Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire
PBOELPerformance-Based Occupational Exposure Limit (Industrial Hygiene)
PIPJproximal interphalangeal joint
PLIFposterior lumbar interbody fusion
PULpercutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy
QNSQuantity Not Sufficient
QoLquality of life
RESreticuloendothelial system
RhRhodium (element); Rhesus factor
SACCSSpinal Bifida Autism Cystic Fibrosis Cerebral Palsy Syndrome
SCHSmart and Connected Health
SCIASpinal Cord Injuries Australia
SMWSchweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift
SWIsurgical wound infection
TGFSTumor Growth Factor Section
TMFTennessee Medical Foundation
TRADCTRace Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
UAUrine Analysis; also Uric Acid
VAWGViolence Against Women and Girls
VIRVascular and Interventional Radiology
WBAAWhole Blood Associated Acetaldehyde
WHSMWork Health Safety Matters
WHVSWelsh Health Video Service
WMSDWork-related MusculoSkeletal Disorder
comp.compound; complication; compounded of
dDNAdenatured DNA
det.let it be given (detur)
disdisabled; discontinue; disease; discussed
mUmilliunit; micro unit
memmember; memory

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