What is the medical definition of IHAT abbreviation?
There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation IHAT. However, what does the abbreviation IHAT stand for in medical terms?
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What does IHAT mean in medical abbreviation?
In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation IHAT means India Health Action Trust.
IHAT: India Health Action Trust
Related Medical Abbreviations
A&O x4 | Alert & Oriented, Times 4 (to person, place, time, and circumstances) |
AANL | Anesthesia Associates of New London |
ACMF | Alliance Community Medical Foundation |
ACOEP | American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians |
AF Survey | Atrial Fibrillation Survey |
AMM CL | Ammonium Chloride |
AMPA | Air Medical Physician Association |
APSD | Antisocial Process Screening Device |
ARSA | Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery |
BHRM | Behavioral Health Resources of Maine |
BICC | Biomedical Information Communication Center |
BIMA | Birmingham Internal Medicine Associates |
BOA | born out of asepsis; behavioral observation audiometry |
BUMC | Baylor University Medical Center |
CAUTI | catheter-associated urinary tract infection |
CCMH | Center for Collegiate Mental Health |
CHCS | Composite Health Care System |
CHHD | City of Hamilton Health Department |
CNHP | Certified Natural Health Practitioner |
CRR | consult review request |
CVCH | Columbia Valley Community Health |
DCAP-BTLS | deformity, contusions, abrasions, punctures/penetrations, burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling |
DO | Doctor of Osteopathy |
EECH | Elaine Ellis Center of Health |
EHK | Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis |
EPMK | Emergency Preparedness Medical Kit |
FDG | Fluorodeoxyglucose |
GIRFT | getting it right first time |
GLBP | Gestational Low Back Pain |
HAVBED | Hospital Available Beds for Emergencies and Disasters |
HRT | Hormone Replacement Therapy |
HTEA | High Thoracic Epidural Anesthesia |
HTSL | High Throughput Screening Laboratory |
IARs | Infusion-Associated Reactions |
IBD | Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
IDPD | Indian Doctors For Peace And Development |
IHFC | Insight Health and Fitness Center |
IHSB | Ideal Healthcare Sdn Bhd |
IIB | Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas |
ILLB | Intraoperative Lavage of Large Bowel |
IMIT | Institute of Medical Imaging Technology |
ISMR | International Symposium on Medical Robotics |
KMET | Kisumu Medical and Educational Trust |
LCPD | Legg-Calve-Perthes disease |
LMOA | Lakeland Medical Office Association |
MARC | Monoclonal Antibody Regional Center |
MHCS | Memorial Health Care Systems |
MMF | maxillomandibular fixation |
MOHLTC | Ministry Of Health and Long Term Care |
NMSO | National Medical School Outreach |
NREM | non-rapid eye movement |
NTB | neuropsychological test battery |
NTT | nasotracheal tube |
OLGC | Osteoclast-Like Giant Cell (tumor) |
ORA | Outer Rhabdomeres Absent |
ORYX | Outcomes Research Yields Excellence |
OSHE | Office of Safety Health and Environment |
PAUT | Phased array ultrasonic testing |
PChE | pseudocholinesterase |
PDNP | Peripheral Diabetic Neuropathic Pain |
PHEWS | Primary Health Early Warning Score |
POP | Popliteal |
Post-AF | Post-atrial fibrillation |
PrEP | pre-exposure prophylaxis |
QGE | Quantitative Genetic Epidemiology |
R/P | Respiration and Pulse |
RBANS | Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Staus |
RCED | Research and Clinical Excellence Day |
RSVC | Right Superior Vena Cava |
SAARD | slow-acting antirheumatic drug(s) |
SR | slow/sustained-release [medication]; sarcoplasmic reticulum; sinus rhythm |
SS# | Social Security Number |
SSSS | staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome |
STDD | Short Term Depression Detector |
SVN | Small Volume Nebulizer |
SWAMP | Simply Wonderful Apparatus for Measuring Pulses |
TBC | Target Birth Cohort |
TOA | Tubo-Ovarian Abscess |
TRBF | total renal blood flow |
TUI | transurethral incision |
TUSDM | Tufts University School of Dental Medicine |
VMPC | Ventral Medial Prefrontal Cortex |
VP Shunt | ventricular peritoneal shunt |
VWF | Von Willebrand Factor |
WDDP | Woodberry Down Dental Practice |
WMJ | Wisconsin Medical Journal |
WNV | West Nile Virus |
conc | concentrated |
mg/dl | milligrams per deciliter |
nmda | N-methyl-D-aspartate |
qod | Every other day. As in taking a medicine every other day. |