APSD medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What does medical abbreviation APSD mean?

In some cases, the abbreviation APSD may have a few different meanings. However, what is the meaning of the APSD medical abbreviation?

APSD medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In science & medicine, the medical abbreviation APSD stands for Antisocial Process Screening Device.

APSD: Antisocial Process Screening Device

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAHSAcademy of Allied Health and Science
ACMMAdvisory Committee on Medical Marijuana
ACTMAustralasian College of Tropical Medicine
AFTNAutonomously Functioning Thyroid Nodule
AMLTMedical Laboratory Technology
APHantepartum hemorrhage
B-Medbehavioral medicine
BBWblack box warning
BIBBrought In By
BIMSBelgaum Institute of Medical Science
C-spinecervical spine
CASHCambridge Action for Sexual Health
CBDCommon Bile Duct; Closed Bag Drainage
CIFMSCAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences
CIOMSCouncil For International Organisations Of Medical Sciences
COPconditions of participation (Medicare)
COSHETCenter Of Occupational Safety Health And Environmental Technology
CPAACCentral Pennsylvania Asthma and Allergy Care
D&Ddehydration and diarrhea
DCAP-BTLSdeformity, contusions, abrasions, punctures/penetrations, burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling
DDAMCData Driven Academic Medical Centers
ECPemergency contraceptive pill
ESKDEnd Stage Kidney Disease
FAANFood Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network
FEMSFire Emergency Medical Services
FOHCFair Oaks Health Center
FVCforced vital capacity
GVCGastrovascular Cavity
HLHeparin Lock
HZVherpes zoster virus
IACMInstitute for the Advancement of Chinese Medicine
IDDMInsulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
IGHimpaired glucose homeostasis
IMNInternational Medical Network
IUATInternational Union Against Tuberculosis
IVRidioventricular rhythm; interventional radiology
LAIVlive attenuated influenza vaccine
LCISLobular Carcinoma In Situ. A type of cancer of the breast. The patient is receiving treatment for Lobular Carcinoma In Situ.
LIMHPLicensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
LMCLLeft-Mid-Central Lobe
LMLleft mediolateral
MEMSAMinnesota Emergency Medical Services Association
MGIAMycobacterial Growth Inhibition Assay
MHHTMental Health Homeless Team
MHLTMinimum Hearing Loss Threshold
MHPRAMedicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
MHWGMental Health Working Group
MIHOMaternal Infant Health Outreach
MRCmedical research council
NBCCSNevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
NPDLNodular Poorly Differentiated Lymphocytes
OOAoffices on aging
OPMCOffice of Professional Medical Conduct
PADPpulmonary artery diastolic pressure
PAOPpulmonary artery occlusion pressure
PBSCTperipheral blood stem cell transplantation
PCSprocedure coding system
PCTApercutaneous transluminal angioplasty
PPPin Prick
PUDPeptic Ulcer Disease
PVERPattern Visual Evoked Response
PsApsoriatic arthritis
QAHEQuality adjusted Health Expenditure
QAHSQueensland Academy for Health Sciences
RAIUradioactive iodine uptake
RUAright upper arm
SCAsudden cardiac arrest; subclavian artery; sickle cell anemia
SIGHTStudents Improving Global Health Together
SJTsituational judgement test
SOMSShuttle Orbital Medical System
SSKIsaturated solution of potassium iodide
SeSelenium (element)
TGMGTampa General Medical Group
UPHUrban Public Health
URTIupper respiratory tract infection
VBvaginal bleeding
VHLVirtual Health Library
VOverbal order
WANSWorld Academy of Nursing Science
WBAAWhole Blood Associated Acetaldehyde
WDLWithin Defined Limits
WFMWWorld Federation for Medical Education
WHEPWetland Health Evaluation Program
WLOIWeight Loss On Ignition
XDRextensively drug-resistant
comp.compound; complication; compounded of
eSETelective single-embryo transfer
k/uLkilo per microliter

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