What is HUD medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation HUD mean?

In some cases, the abbreviation HUD may have a few different meanings. However, what is the meaning of the medical term HUD?

What does HUD medical abbreviation mean?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation HUD means humanitarian use device.

HUD: humanitarian use device

Related Medical Abbreviations

AINAcute Interstitial Nephritis
BSNBachelor of Science in Nursing; bowel sounds normal
CGAcontact guard assist; comprehensive geriatric assessment
CNCranial Nerves
CalCalorie (kilocalorie)
DAWdispense as written
DFEDilated Fundus Examination
DQdevelopmental quotient
ESRDEnd Stage Renal Disease
FMDfamily physician
GvHDGraft vs. host disease. It is complicated by the syndromes of acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD).
H&Ehematoxylin and eosin
HIBHaemophilus Influenza B vaccine
HRHeart Rate
IBWIdeal Body Weight
IUSintrauterine system
IVDUIntravenous Drug Use
MAmental age; medical assistance
MFFDmedically fit for discharge
MGLIgM phospholipid unit
MLCmidline catheter; multi lumen catheter
MMMultiple Myeloma
MoMolybdenum (element)
NAFnotice of adverse findings
NHCNational Health Council
PARparaffin; patient at risk; post anesthesia recovery
PASPpulmonary artery systolic pressure
PINprostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
PRBCsPacked Red Blood Cells
QMquality management
RHCRight Heart Cath
RLWright lateral wrist
RNSTreactive non stress test
RTFready to feed; resident treatment facility
SRTspeech reception threshold on audiometry
SVRsustained virologic response; systemic vascular resistance
VASvibroacoustic stimulator; visual analog scale
divdivide, division
guttat.drop by drop
ininch (25.4 mm); inch
in uterowithin the uterus
mgAantibody (allergy testing)
quantquantitative; quantity
respresponse; respiration

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