HQID medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What is the meaning of the HQID medical abbreviation?

In some cases, the abbreviation HQID may have a few different meanings. However, what does the HQID medical term stand for?

What is HQID medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the HQID medical abbreviation stands for Hospital Quality Incentive Demonstration.

HQID: Hospital Quality Incentive Demonstration

Related Medical Abbreviations

AEDAutomatic External Defibrillator; Anti-Epileptic Drug
AFAtrial Fibrillation; Afebrile
APFTArmy Physical Fitness Test
BFFDBreak Free from Depression
BMSburning mouth syndrome; bone marrow suppression
BRCA2Breast Cancer 2
CAcancer, carcinoma; cortical area; chronological age; coronary artery
CA-EBSCompressed Air – Emergency Breathing Systems
CGHICenter for Global Health Initiatives
COX-2cyclooxygenase 2 (inhibitors)
CYSTOCystoscopic Exam
D&Ddehydration and diarrhea
DDNCDigestive Disease National Coalition
DESGDiabetes Education Study Group
DLSdynamic lumbar stabilization
DMDRPDuchenne Muscular Dystrophy Research Program
EADVEuropean Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
EBBSequal bilateral breath sounds
EHemployee health
EMKEmergency Medical Kits
FACPFellow of the American College of Physicians
FFHAFoundation for Female Health Awareness (Cincinnati, OH)
FHCfamily health center
FMSSField Medical Service School
FSCCFracture, Simple, Complete, Comminuted
G#P#Gravida # Para #
G&Ageneral and acute
GMCGAGandhi Medical College Global Alliance
GPPAGeneral Practice Psychotherapy Association
GRASgenerally recognized as safe
HACCPHazard Analysis & Critical Control Point
HDMCHigh Desert Medical College
HSV-2herpes simplex virus type 2
HVACCHigh Voltage Activated Calcium Channel
ICHPInstitute for Community Health Promotion
ISCMIntramedullary Spinal Cord Metastases
IVSSintravenous soluset
JAKJanus Activated Kinase
JPMCJane Phillips Medical Center
JUMPJunior Urban Medical Pioneers
LAFaleft anterior forearm
M/HMedical history
MBHAMerrymeeting Behavioral Health Associates
MBRCCMary Babb Randolph Cancer Center
MEDUMedical Education Development Unit
MHAMental Health Association
MLCKMyosin Light Chain Kinases
MNAAMeharry National Alumni Association (Meharry Medical College; Nashville, TN)
MOSmedical outcomes Study
MSBHMississippi State Board of Health
NAETNambudripad allergy elimination techniques
NHCSNational Health Care Surveys
NICMPnonischemic cardiomyopathy
NIHSSNational Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
OEOtitis Externa
OPSOSAOPeratore SOcio SAnitario
ORLOto-Rhino Laryngology
OWMOffice for Women in Medicine
OYHOwn Your Health
PCIPercutaneous Coronary Intervention
PESTProduction Economics Strategies Technology
PNHPPhysicians for a National Health Program
POT CLPotassium Chloride
PVRPost Void Residual
QoLquality of life
REEresting energy expenditure
RVMright ventricular mean
SAFMSchool of Applied Functional Medicine
SCADschizoaffective disorder; short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
SCLCsmall cell lung cancer
SODsuperoxide dismutase
SSSSstaphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
SUDsingle-use device; substance use disorder; sudden unexpected death
TDMSTexas Disaster Medical System
UDABurine drugs of abuse
UHHUnite Here Health
UPSIUnprotected Sex Intercourse
UVSMUniversity of Virginia School of Medicine
WHFDWomen’s Health and Fitness Day
WTSWhale Tumor Story
mUmilliunit; micro unit
npoNothing by mouth. For example, if a patient was about to undergo a surgical operation requiring general anesthesia, they may be required to avoid food or beverage prior to the procedure.
rDNARibosomal Deoxyribonucleic Acid
t.d.s.to be taken three times daily

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