What does HAC mean in medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation HAC?

There may be more than one meaning of HAC. However, what does the medical term HAC stand for?

HAC medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

In science & medicine, the meaning of the HAC medical abbreviation is Hospital-acquired condition.

HAC: Hospital-acquired condition

Related Medical Abbreviations

2/2Secondary To
ACRMAtlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine
AICDAutomatic Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator
ALSAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; also Advanced Life Support
ANGMAAbbott Northwestern General Medicine Associates
AOMSAdvanced Occupational Medicine Specialists
BAEPbrainstem auditory evoked potentials
BPI-SFBrief Pain Inventory – short form
BRBBright Red Blood
BSFbasal skull fracture
CAPProstate Cancer; Community Acquired Pneumonia
CHBSCommunity Health Behavioral Services
CHQOERCenter for Health Quality Outcomes and Economic Research
CMIAConfidentiality of Medical Information Act
CMOMCertified Medical Office Manager
COAcoarctation of the aorta; Certified Ophthalmic Assistant
Cxcancel; cervix/cervical; conscious; culture
DFVdoppler flow velocimetry
DMDiabetes Mellitus
DOHdepartment of health
EIMSExercise Is Medicine Singapore
EMT-Pemergency medical technician paramedic
EOECEarly Onset Epilepsy Consortium
FPNFranciscan Physician Network
FeIron (element)
H&Ehematoxylin and eosin
HAIR-ANhyperandrogenism (HA), insulin resistance (IR) and acanthosis nigricans (AN)
HBAghepatitis B antigen
HCRAHealth Care Reimbursement Account
HER2human epidermal growth factor receptor 2
HTACHealth Translation Advisory Committee
ICDDRInternational Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
IMIAInternational Medical Informatics Association
ISAintrinsic sympathomimetic activity
IVPBintravenous piggyback
L&Ulower and upper
LFTLiver Function Test
LMALaryngeal Mask Airway
LNLymph Node also Liquid Nitrogen
LVDLeft Ventricular Dysfunction
MBHGMinority Behavioral Health Group
MCFmiddle cranial fossa
MEVAMedical Examination for Visa Application
MOSmedical outcomes Study
MS-DRGsMedicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Groups
MVAmotor vehicle accident
N/Anot applicable
NAFLDnon-alcoholic fatty liver disease
NBNBNon-Bloody, Non-Bilious
NDCDNational Drug Code Directory
NINRnational institute of nursing research
NRCMSNew Rural Cooperative Medical System
NSVnon-specific vaginitis
NWHNNational Women’s Health Network
PAPpulmonary artery pressure; peak airway pressure; patient assistance programs
PHPin Hole
PTEMpregnancy test education materials
RIFLERisk, injury, failure, loss, end-stage (renal)
RIGRabies Immunoglobulin
RTWreturn to work
RUGRetrograde Urethrogram
SANEsexual assault nurse examiner
SAVEscreen, ask, validate, evaluate/educate
SCADschizoaffective disorder; short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
SCIDsevere combined immunodeficiency
SNPsingle nucleotide polymorphism
SOFASequential Organ Failure Assessment
TORSTrans-Oral Robotic Surgery
TURtransurethral resection
UESupper esophageal sphincter
VBIVertebrobasilar Insufficiency
VPEViral Propagated Eclampsia
WDLWithin Defined Limits
WHNWagner Health Network
metabmetabolic, metabolism
pIgRpolymeric immunoglobulin receptor
psiper square inch (pounds)
toltolerate(s); tolerance
viaby way of

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