What is GTDS medical abbreviation?

What is the medical abbreviation GTDS?

In some cases, the abbreviation GTDS may have a few different meanings. However, what is GTDS in medical terms?

What does GTDS medical abbreviation mean?

In medical field, the GTDS medical term stands for Giessen Tumor Documentation System.

GTDS: Giessen Tumor Documentation System

Related Medical Abbreviations

BrBromine (element)
CAPProstate Cancer; Community Acquired Pneumonia
CCCAcentral centrifugal cicatricial alopecia
CHTclosed head trauma
CLLChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
CMLChronic Myelogenous Leukemia
CRIChronic Renal Insufficiency
CRTCertified Respiratory Therapist; capillary refill time; cardiac resynchronization therapy
CTEchronic traumatic encephalopathy
D&CDilatation and Currettage
D/TDue To
DCTdistal convoluted tubule
DHMDoctor Of Homeopathic Medicine
DODoctor of Osteopathy
DOMSdelayed onset muscle soreness
DUIdriving under the influence
EMQextended matching question
FHfamily history; fundal height
FPGfasting plasma glucose
FeLVfeline leukemia virus
GERgastroesophageal reflux
GOOGastric Outlet Obstruction
HANGHyperplasia, Abscess, Neoplasia, Granuloma
HIHomicidal Ideation
HLHeparin Lock
HNVhas not voided
HRTHormone Replacement Therapy
Hb A1cglycosylated hemoglobin
IBRPindependent bathroom privileges
ICTVInternational Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses
IFAimmunofluorescence assay
IPAPinspired positive airway pressure
IPJinterphalangeal joint
ISRimmune status ration
L-4fourth lumbar vertebra
LCLLateral Collateral Ligament
LUTSLower Urinary Tract Symptoms
LVNLicensed Vocational Nurse
MCRAMedical Care Recovery Act
NEINational Eye Institute
NKDANo Known Drug Allergies
PCKDPolycystic Kidney Disease
PCOSpolycystic ovary syndrome
PHPpartial hospitalization program; primary health care provider
PIAprolonged infantile apnea
PIPOTpersons in positions of trust
PORPpartial ossicular replacement prosthesis
PTAPrior To Admission; Peritonsilar Abscess
PTHParathyroid hormone
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
PUOpyrexia of unknown origin
PVPolycythemia Vera; Portal Vein
PVRPost Void Residual
RACErescue, alarm, confine, extinguish (fire safety)
RAIUradioactive iodine uptake
RCTRandomized Controlled Trial; Rotator Cuff Tear
RPGNRapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
SGAsmall for gestational age
SIAstrip immunoblot assay
STARTsimple triage and rapid treatment
STVshort term variability
TABThreatened Abortion; also Therapeutic Abortion
TCUtransitional care unit
UEUpper Extremity (usually preceded by R or L)
UVGIultraviolet germicidal irradiation
VLvastis lateralis; viral load
WCTwide complex tachycardia
WKSWernicke Korsakoff syndrome
cm2square centimeter
noctnocturnal, night
p.r.n.As needed. So that it is not always done, but done only when the situation calls for it (or example, taking a pain medication only when having pain and not without pain).
qAMEach morning. As in taking a medicine each morning.
thertherapeutic, therapy
uSpAundifferentiated spondylarthropathy
varvariation, variety

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