What does FORMALD stand for in medical abbreviation?

What is FORMALD in medical terms?

There may be more than one meaning of FORMALD. Below is the meaning that the abbreviation FORMALD stands for.

FORMALD medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation FORMALD means Formaldehyde.

FORMALD: Formaldehyde

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACADAccelerated Coronary Artery Disease
AD LIBAs Desired
AOSPRMAsia Oceania Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
APMTAdvanced Physical Medicine and Therapy
ASCAanti Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody
BCDPBalloon Catheter Dilation of the Prostate
BMHBioethics and Medical Humanities
BOWRBilateral Ovarian Wedge Resection
BSEbovine spongiform encephalopathy; breast self-examination
BSPHBachelors of Science in Public Health
CAMCCongressional Academic Medicine Caucus
CAOT-ACECanadian Association of Occupational Therapists – Association Canadienne des Ergothérapeutes
CCHDCenter for Community Health Development
CDMIClinical Digital Maturity Index
CGAcontact guard assist; comprehensive geriatric assessment
CHAUCommunity Health Assessment Unit
CMQCatholic Medical Quarterly
CTAClear To Auscultation
DHPRDrug and Health Product Register
DMLSDirect Metal Laser Sintering
DPLDiagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
EBDEvent Based Dosing
ERPeffective refractory period; emergency response plan
FCUflexor carpi ulnaris
FIAFeline Infectious Anemia
G6Pglucose 6 phosphate
GBAAGreater Baltimore Asthma Alliance
GDMgestational diabetes mellitus
HAPEHigh Altitude Pulmonary Edema
HATIPHIV & AIDS Treatment In Practice
HCMVhuman cytomegalovirus
HSShyperosmolar hyperglycemic state; hepatic stimulator substance
HTCSHuman Tumor Cloning System
IMCintermediate care
IQCODEInformant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly
ITPIdiopathic Thrombocytopenia
JACCOLJaundice, Anemia, Clubbing, Cyanosis, Oedema and Lymphadenopathy
JALSJuvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
LHSlong handled sponge
LMPGLaboratory medicine practice guidelines
LOVLast Office Visit
LTDlowest tolerated dose
LUTleft upper thigh
MANEMistreatment, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation
MARCMonoclonal Antibody Regional Center
MBDminimal brain dysfunction
MCOmanaged care organization
MHEmental health evaluator
MNTmedical nutrition therapy
NMJneuromuscular junction
NYHANew York Heart Association
OMDorganic mental disorders
OPVoral polio vaccine
P-ANCAperinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
PIVperipheral intravenous
PP1post partum day 1, etc.
PPVpneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; positive predictive value
PSMRPractical Statistics For Medical Research
PWSPerson With Service
RADRight Axis Deviation; also Reactive Airways Disease
REIreproductive endocrinology
RPABRivermead Perceptual Assessment Battery (visual perception tests)
RREround, reactive, equal
RVFright ventricular function; right ventricular failure
SASHSaline Antibiotics Saline and Heparin
SBPASCService Benefit Plan Administration Services Corporation
SHMSelf Help Magazine
SSHACSchool Safety and Health Advisory Council
STUskin test unit
TATITumor Associated Trypsin Inhibitor
TCRBTobacco Control Research Branch
TNDTest not done
TTtilt table; thrombin time; total thyroidectomy; tetanus toxoid
VGventral gluteal
VHAAVibrational Health Assessment Analysis
VWVery Weak
WASLIWomen’s Addiction Services Leadership Institute
WCVHWeston Creek Veterinary Hospital (Australia)
WNVWest Nile Virus
YEYellow Enzyme
fl drfluid dram
rBSTrecombinant bovine somatotropin
tRNAtransfer ribonucleic acid

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