What does FEMO mean in medical abbreviation?

What is the medical term FEMO?

The abbreviation FEMO may have a few different meanings. However, what does the FEMO medical term stand for?

What is the meaning of FEMO medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation FEMO means Field Emergency Medical Officer.

FEMO: Field Emergency Medical Officer

Related Medical Abbreviations

ABGArterial Blood Gas
AHGAntihemophilic Globulin
ARATAction Research Arm Test
ATNAcute Tubular Necrosis
BCCPbreast and cervical cancer (treatment) program
BKbelow the knee
BPEMSBossier Parish Emergency Medical Service
BScBachelor of Science
C/OComplains Of
CAFcytoxan, adriamycin, fluorouracil
CLOTClinical Leaders Of Thrombosis
COHcarbohydrate; controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
CRRTcontinuous renal replacement therapy
CSMcervical spondylotic myelopathy; circulation, sensory, and motor
CSTECouncil of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
DANADefense Automated Neurobehavioral Assessment
DCAP-BTLSdeformity, contusions, abrasions, punctures/penetrations, burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling
DEZDistal Elongation Zone
DIABDepartment of Experimental Diabetology
DIPJdistal interphalangeal joint
DOSdate of service
DOUDirect Observation Unit
EBBSequal bilateral breath sounds
ECHSEx-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme
ECUextensor carpi ulnaris; emergency care unit
EFEjection Fraction (in reference to ventricular function)
EGFepidermal growth factor
ELHIEducation Literacy Health and Inspiration
F&Efluid and electrolyte
FBDfibrocystic disease
GBMSGreater Baden Medical Services
GGTPgamma gluteryl transpeptidase
GHRFgrowth hormone-releasing factor
H/HHenderson-Hasselbalch equation; hemoglobin/hematocrit
HHSCHealth Home Serving Children
HLHeparin Lock
IAPACInternational Association of Physicians for AIDS Care
IEFisoelectric focusing
JPJackson Pratt
LAOleft anterior oblique
LQTSlong QT syndrome
MEBMedical Evaluation Board
MNDmotor neuron disease
MRDOMulti Resistant Drug Organisms
MVTRMoisture vapor transmission rate
NSSnormal saline solution
NWBnon weight bearing
OPAoropharyngeal airway; outpatient appointment
OPLDOptical Path Length Difference
P&Rpulse and respiration
PBpudendal block or peripheral blood
PCUProgressive Care Unit
PDDpervasive development disorder
PGApteroylglutamic acid
PITSPain In The Stomach
PPVpneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; positive predictive value
PR3proteinase 3
PSHPast Surgical History
PUPOPregnant Until Proven Otherwise
PUPPSPressure Ulcer Point Prevalence Survey
RIBArecombinant immunoblot assay
ROblRight oblique
RSPHRoyal Society for Public Health
SCBEStanford Center for Biomedical Ethics
SI unitsInternational System of Units (Systeme International)
SLNHASri Lanka National Health Accounts
SS#Social Security Number
STHsomatotrophic hormone (somatotropin)
STUskin test unit
TARtotal ankle replacement; total all routes (intake)
THCtetrahydrocannabinol (in marijuana and related)
TPOthyroid peroxidase
TUMAtransurethral microwave antenna
U-100100 units per milliliter (insulin)
URutilization review; upper respiratory
V tachventricular tachycardia
VBWvertical bitewings
VTVentricular Tachycardia
nmnanometer (billionth of a meter)
o.h.every hour (omni hora)
phnipinhole no improvement
qodEvery other day. As in taking a medicine every other day.
wmwhite male

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