What does ESWT medical abbreviation mean?

What is the medical abbreviation ESWT?

There may be more than one meaning of ESWT. However, what is the meaning of the medical abbreviation ESWT?

ESWT medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In the medical field, the medical abbreviation ESWT stands for Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy.

ESWT: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

Related Medical Abbreviations

AATPAnesthesia Assistant Training Program
BCBIBrown Center for Biomedical Informatics
BEPSBiomedical Engineering and Physical Science
BFbreast feed(ing); boyfriend
BFAHBrain Function and Health
BMABritish Medical Association; bone marrow aspiration
BRPABlosome Root Plex and Atonic
BSHSMBachelor of Science in Health Services Management
CADASILCerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy
CAMPChristie, Atkins, Munch-Petersen TEST
CBISCenter for Biomedical Imaging Statistics
CIN IICervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia grade 2
CMTCcutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
COADchronic obstructive airways disease
COCCCertificate of Creditable Coverage (health insurance)
CPPACenter for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation
CVLCentral Venous Line
Cxcancel; cervix/cervical; conscious; culture
D&Ddehydration and diarrhea
D/TDue To
DHSCDepartment of Health and Social Care
DOHdepartment of health
ELAMExecutive Leadership in Academic Medicine
ERCPEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreotography
FAMRIFlight Attendant Medical Research Institute
FBCfull blood count
FPFamily Practitioner
FRVfunctional residual volume
GCMBGeorgia Composite Medical Board
GPLIgG phospholipid unit
HADhospital anxiety and depression [scale]
HCMHealth Care Maintenance
HDNhemolytic disease of the newborn
HEPhome exercise program
HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIRSHealth Information and Resources Service
HeRAMSHealth Resources and Services Availability Monitoring System
ICD-OInternational Classification of Diseases for Oncology
ICOMPInternational Collaborative Occupational Medicine Program
IP jointinterphalangeal joint
IPJinterphalangeal joint
IRBIndications Risks Benefits; Institutional Review Board
Id.the same
IgDimmunoglobulin D
LAIVlive attenuated influenza vaccine
LHNLocalized Hypertrophic Neuropathy
LNMPlast normal menstrual period
MBACMedical Billing and Coding
MCLMedial Collateral Ligament
MDDmaximum daily dose; major depressive disorder
MERCIMedical Empathy Right Communication Insight
MHCMental Health Center; major histocompatibility complex
MIMDMountain Integrated Medical Devices
MISaDMilan Study on Atherosclerosis and Diabetes
MVO2myocardial oxygen consumption
MVSmitral valve stenosis; motor, vascular, and sensory
NKDANo Known Drug Allergies
NKFHNorthern Kentucky Family Health
NMLCNaval Medical Logistics Command
NTDNothing To Do
O.D.Right eye.
OIDObject identifier
OMOtitis Media
OOAoffices on aging
PEJpercutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy
PLSSportable life-support system
PNC-Epost-necrotic cirrhosis-ethanol
PNPPediatric Nurse Practitioner
PRHprolactin-releasing hormone
PRPNPatient Reported Peripheral Neuropathy
RVHright ventricular hypertrophy
SIMDsubstance-induced mood disorder
SOBEshortness of breath on exertion
SOMserous otitis media
SVDspontaneous vaginal delivery
SVTsupraventricular tachycardia
T&Xtype and crossmatch
TCDBturn, cough, deep breathe
TMHTransfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy
TSC1Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 1
VISvaccination instruction sheet; vaccine information sheet
chemchemical, chemistry
med nebmedication nebulizer
optoptimal; optical
pdpupillary distance; prism diopter
pregpregnancy, pregnant

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