What is the meaning of ECVPH medical abbreviation?

What does the abbreviation ECVPH mean in medical terms?

The ECVPH abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation ECVPH mean?

What does ECVPH medical abbreviation mean?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation ECVPH stands for European College for Veterinary Public Health.

ECVPH: European College for Veterinary Public Health

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AATPAnesthesia Assistant Training Program
ACRMAtlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine
BBPblood-borne pathogens
BIPAPBi-Level Positive Airway Pressure
BMCbone mineral content; bone marrow cells
BMPsbone morphogenetic proteins
BPVBenign Positional Vertigo
BrBromine (element)
CAHECentre for Allied Health Evidence
CHEMSCommunity Health Emergency Medical Services
CHSBCentral Health Services Building
CLDchronic liver disease
CMIRCurrent Medical Imaging Reviews
CPMACanadian Podiatric Medical Association
D/TDue To
DICDisseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy
DIPHEN CITRDiphenhydramine Citrate
DMARDdisease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug
DTaPdiphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis
DVRdivision of vocational rehabilitation
EAVNCEnhanced atrioventricular nodal conduction
EFWestimated fetal weight
EOHExpenditure On Health
FESfunctional electrical stimulation
FOIflight of ideas
FTSBMFormaldehyde Treated SBM
G6PDglucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
GHWGlobal Health Watch
GMALGlobal Medical Affairs Leader
GvHDGraft vs. host disease. It is complicated by the syndromes of acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD).
HCCAPHealth Care Consumer Assistance Program
HLNDHybrid Lung Nodule Detection
HMSOHealthcare Management Student Organization
HSLIHealth Systems Leadership and Informatics
HTCAHuman Tumor Clonogenic Assay
HTPSHealth Tracking Physician Survey
IAPACInternational Association of Physicians for AIDS Care
ICSMIntegrative Centers for Science and Medicine
IIAMInternational Institute for the Advancement of Medicine
IICPincreased intracranial pressure
IPMCIrish Private Medical Centres
IRInterventional Radiology; Internal Rotation
KPCKlebsiella Pneumonia Carbapenemase
MGLIgM phospholipid unit
MIXMedical Innovation Xchange
MLFmedial longitudinal fasciculus
MLPAOMedical Laboratory Professionals’ Association of Ontario
MOCMaintenance of Certification.
MPHCMedical Pavilion at Howard County
MUAmedically underserved areas
NADNo Apparent Distress; No Acute Disease
NPSNational Prescribing Service
PDISpatient discharge instruction sheet
PEFRpeak expiratory flow rate
PGYpostgraduate year
PREMpatient reported experience measure
PRSSPsoriasis-Related Stressor Scale (dermatology)
PUpassed urine, peptic ulcer; peptic ulcer
RARight Atrium
RCPrespiratory care practitioner
RDArecommended daily/dietary allowance
RSNARadiological Society of North America
RSVRespiratory Syncytial Virus
SFNSmall Fiber Neuropathy
SLMLSt Louis Medical Librarians
SOIMSection On Integrative Medicine
SSSSstaphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
STMSScientific Technological Medical and Scholarly
T&Xtype and crossmatch
TAHTotal Abdominal Hysterectomy
TPMTthiopurine S-methyltransferase
TRBFtotal renal blood flow
ULTUrate-Lowering Therapy
WAwhile awake
Y-BOCSYale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale
YAAYork Adult Assessment
ZMCzygomaticomaxillary complex
ZnZinc (element)
facogFellow American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
hnRNPheterogeneous nuclear RNP
mol wtmolecular weight
ppmparts per million
viaby way of

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