What does eARDS medical abbreviation mean?

What does the abbreviation eARDS stand for in medical terms?

The eARDS abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. Below is the meaning that eARDS abbreviation stands for.

eARDS medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In science & medicine, the medical term eARDS means Experimental Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

eARDS: Experimental Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACDFAnterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion
ADTPAlcohol and Drug Treatment Program
APFTArmy Physical Fitness Test
C DIFClostridium Difficile
CAOconscious, alert, and oriented
CD-ROMcompact disc read-only memory
CD8cytotoxic T lymphocytes
CINcervical intraepithelial neoplasia
CIScarcinoma in situ
CRNHcertified registered nurse hospice
CRScongenital rubella syndrome; chronic rhinosinusitis
CT3Troponin T-C Antibody
CVMEDCardiovascular, Metabolic & Endocrinological Diseases
CYSchildren and youth services
DBTdialectal behavioral therapy
DCISDuctal Carcinoma In Situ
DDXDifferential Diagnosis
DLSdynamic lumbar stabilization
DUBdysfunctional uterine bleeding
ECRemergency chemical restraints
ECTElectro-Convulsive Therapy
EDBethylene dibromide; extensor digitorum brevis
EIMSExercise Is Medicine Singapore
EMA-IgAimmunoglobulin a antiendomysial
EPSDTearly and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment
FAMAFellow of the American Medical Association
FHTfetal heart tone(s)
FHxfamily history
FIVforced inspiratory volume
FMfrequency modulation; fibromyalgia; fetal movement; family medicine
FTSGfull-thickness skin graft
FamHxFamily history
GAGeneral Anesthesia
GBMGlioblastoma Multiforme
GPLIgG phospholipid unit
HBcAgHepatitis B core antigen
HLAhuman leukocyte antigen; human lymphocyte antigen
HTCAHuman Tumor Clonogenic Assay
IMCNIntegrated Medical Care Nephrology
JODMjuvenile onset diabetes mellitus
KPIkey performance indicator
LCLLateral Collateral Ligament
LIMALeft Internal Mammary Artery
LLClong leg cast
LQTSlong QT syndrome
LSOleft salpingo-oophorectomy
LVAleft ventricular aneurysm
MERCIMedical Empathy Right Communication Insight
MIHEAMember Institute of Hospital Engineers Australia
MMPIMinnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
MRgFUSMR-guided focused ultrasound surgery
MWmolecular weight; microwave
NCHSnational center for health statistics
NHCNational Health Council
NInot indicated
NSCLCANon-Small Cell Lung Cancer
O&Gobstetrics and gynecology
ODRight Eye
ODTorally disintegrating tablet
OOAoffices on aging
OmPCouter membrane protein complex
PDGFplatelet-derived growth factor
PNBXProstate Needle Biopsy
POSproblem oriented system; point of service
PR3proteinase 3
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
REEresting energy expenditure
RMLRight Middle Lobe
RSVRespiratory Syncytial Virus
SA nodesinoatrial node
SKSeborrheic Keratosis; also Streptokinase
SNPsingle nucleotide polymorphism
SS#Social Security Number
STJscapulothoracic joint
SVDspontaneous vaginal delivery
TOtelephone order
TTStemporary threshold shift
U or u**Unit. Mistaken as the number 0 or 4, causing a 10-fold overdose or greater (for example, 4U seen as “40” or 4u seen as “44”); mistaken as “cc” so the dose is given in volume instead of units
UPEPUrine Protein Electro-Pheresis
VHFvery high frequency; viral hemorrhagic fever
semih.half an hour

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