What is the meaning of DMG medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the DMG medical abbreviation?

There may be more than one meaning of DMG. Below is the meaning that DMG abbreviation stands for.

What is the meaning of DMG medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the DMG medical abbreviation stands for District Medical Group.

DMG: District Medical Group

Related Medical Abbreviations

AICDAutomatic Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator
AIDSAcquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome
AIPETAct Implementing the Principle of Equal Treatment
ALHOAArizona Local Health Officers Association
AdapeiAssociation départementale de parents et d’amis des personnes handicapées mentales
BMBone Marrow; also Bowel Movement
BeBeryllium (element)
CCOWClinical Context Object Workgroup
CEBPCentre of Evidence Based Physiotherapy
CHRLCentre for Health Record Linkage
CPHICanadian Population Health Initiative
CTTHChronic Tension Type Headache
DASEDenver Articulation Screening Examination
DPECDistrict Polio Eradication Committee
DPOADurable Power Of Attorney
ELHIEducation Literacy Health and Inspiration
EMPACEmergency Medical Practice Advisory Council
FGHFitzsimmons General Hospial
FIOCFluoroscopic Intra-Operative Cholangiogram
FNDFundus Not Discernible
FTSBPFirst Toe Systolic Blood Pressures
GSPGood Storage Practices
HAATHealth Accounts Analysis Tool
HATIPHIV & AIDS Treatment In Practice
HBGMhome blood glucose monitoring
HCSHealth Commerce System
HMSJHospital Municipal Sao Jose
IBS-CIrritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation
IBVInfectious Bronchitis Virus
IDCHInstitute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital
IEDimprovised explosive device
IHHIIntroduction to Human Health and Illness
INEPInternational Network for Epidemiology in Policy
IVICIn Vivo Imaging Core
JTHJournal of Transport Health
KNSKinesiology and Nutritional Science
L-2second lumbar vertebra
LIHCLong Island Health Collaborative
LLRBLeft Leaning Red Black
LPHALancet Palestinian Health Alliance
LRGHLakes Region General Hospital [NH]
LRTlower respiratory tract
MDMSMyositis Data Management System
MDNDMedical Device News Desk
MP MIAmicrolatex particle mediated immunoassay
NPDLNodular Poorly Differentiated Lymphocytes
OPSEOroPharyngeal Swallow Efficiency
ORBOperation Reconstructive Baby
ORLOto-Rhino Laryngology
PCDpacing cardioverter/defibrillator; percutaneous drainage; pneumatic compression device; programmed cell death
PDNPPeripheral Diabetic Neuropathic Pain
PJIPeriprosthetic Joint Infection
PMDEPhysical Medical and Dental Examination
PPNPeripheral Parenteral Nutrition
PSCHPromoting Specialized Care and Health
PUSprostate ultrasound
PWMPokeWeed Mitogen
PWSDPoorly Water Soluble Drug
QGNQualified General Nurse
QIPQuality Independent Physicians
RMSARetiree Medical Savings Account
RRLregistered records librarian
SACSState AIDS Control Society
SALTspeech and language therapy
SAOASouth African Orthopaedic Association
SBNSSpina Bifida Neurological Scale
SIGHTStudents Improving Global Health Together
SIMSScripps Institutions for Medicine and Science
SSRLSocial Science Research Laboratory
STARSShock Trauma Air Rescue Service
TNFATumor Necrosis Factor Alpha
TOITraumatic Occupational Injuries
UB3Urinary Bladder 3 acupuncture point
UCPGUniversity of Chicago Physicians Group
UVSMUniversity of Virginia School of Medicine
VPUViral Protein U
VTEvenous thromboembolism
VVFVesico Vaginal Fistula
WHENWomen’s Health and Environmental Network
WIBwestern immunoblot
bGHbovine growth hormone
kDNAkinetoplast DNA
qodEvery other day. As in taking a medicine every other day.
t.d.s.to be taken three times daily

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