What is the DCDA medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation DCDA mean?

The abbreviation DCDA may have a few different meanings. Here is the meaning of DCDA mean in medical terms.

DCDA medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In the medicine field, the DCDA abbreviation stands for Dichorionic Diamniotic (twin pregnancy).

DCDA: Dichorionic Diamniotic (twin pregnancy)

Related Medical Abbreviations

APADanteroposterior abdominal diameter
APSAdult Protective Services
ASDAtrial Septal Defect
Ad libAt liberty. For example, a patient may be permitted to move out of bed freely and orders would, therefore, be for activities to be ad lib.
BAERbrainstem auditory evoked response
BCbreast cancer; bone conduction; board certified; birth control
BNPbrain natriuretic peptide; B-type natriuretic peptide
BPHbenign prostatic hypertrophy; benign prostatic hyperplasia; hypertrophy
BSNBachelor of Science in Nursing; bowel sounds normal
BTEbehind the ear (heading aids)
BTICBrain Tumor Initiating Cell
CCPclinical care pathway
CCRNPCenter for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program
CDADClostridium difficile-associated diarrhea
CEGACombined Epidural General Anesthesia
CHIPSCommunity Health Initiative Programs for Students
CMACertified Medical Assistant
CRRconsult review request
CSVTCerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis
DPINDrug Program Information Network
EBBSequal bilateral breath sounds
EHBextensor hallucis brevis
ELEsthetics License
EMIGEmergency Medicine Interest Group
FDPflexor digitorum profundus; fibrin degradation products
H&PHistory and physical examination.
HAARTHighly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
HAPPIHealth Assistance Program for Personnel and Industry
HAVhepatitis A vaccine; hepatitis A virus
HBCBHepatitis B Core Antibody
HCVHepatitis C Virus
HEWDepartment of Health, Education, and Welfare
HSCThematopoietic stem cell transplantation
HSPHenoch Shonlein Purpura
HepBhepatitis B
IGRAinterferon gamma release assay
IMMDInsulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
IPJinterphalangeal joint
IQintelligence quotient
LLLLeft Lower Lobe; Left Lower Lid
LOFloss of function
LTCFlong-term care facility
LUDleft uterine displacement
MAPmean arterial pressure
MEACMidwifery Education Accreditation Council
MIRGMedical Imaging Reconstruction Group
MLEmidline episiotomy
MMFmaxillomandibular fixation
NCINational Cancer Institute
NICENational Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NSNormal Saline
NSAIDnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
ODMSOld Dominion Medical Society
OIopportunistic infection
OLCOn-Line Clinicians
OMHoffice for migrant health
PCAfter Meals
PIDPelvic Inflammatory Disease
PMNPolymorphonuclear Leukocytes
PRMCPeninsula Regional Medical Center
PWAperson with AIDS
RCRreplication competent retrovirus
RRRRegular Rate and Rhythm
RSremitting seronegative; respiratory system; Reiter’s syndrome
SFeSerum Iron
SMAsequential multiple analyzer; spinal muscular atrophy; superior mesenteric artery
STTshort term tests
TBCTarget Birth Cohort
TIMIthrombolysis in myocardial infarction
TMDtemporomandibular disorder
TURtransurethral resection
UDunit dose; ulnar deviation
VIPVasoactive Intestinal Peptide
VLMNVastus Lateralis Motor Nerve
WCIMWorld Congress of Internal Medicine
Z-DNAleft-handed DNA
mgAantibody (allergy testing)
pIgRpolymeric immunoglobulin receptor
psiper square inch (pounds)
qPCRreal-time (quantitative) polymerase chain reaction

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