What does DATAR medical abbreviation mean?

What is the medical definition of DATAR abbreviation?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation DATAR. However, what is the medical term DATAR?

DATAR medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation DATAR means Drug and Alcohol Treatment Access Report.

DATAR: Drug and Alcohol Treatment Access Report

Related Medical Abbreviations

AJCMAmerican Journal of Chinese Medicine
AMLAcute Myelogenous Leukemia
ANDAxillary Node Dissection
ARDSAdult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
AWLAAIDS Walk Los Angeles
BMDbone mineral density
BTTRBrain Tumor Translational Resource
CDHcongenital dislocation hip
CDMECommercial Driver Medical Examiner
CNMCertified Nurse Midwife
CNSCentral Nervous System
CSAcyclosporin A; central sleep apnea; Controlled Substances Act
CSOchief scientific officer
D&Odiagnostic and observation
D/NSdextrose in normal saline
DDdry dressing; differential diagnosis; developmental disability; delivery date
DIMMDiploma in Mountain Medicine
DMARDdisease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug
DMLSDirect Metal Laser Sintering
EBLLelevated blood lead level
ECFextracellular fluid; extended care facility
ENerythema nodosum
EPTExpedited partner therapy
EVMRElectronic Veterinary Medical Records
EX FIXExternal Fixation
FSGFinger Stick Glucose
GHBgamma hydroxybutyrate
GNDgram-negative diplococci
GP 2b/3aGlycoprotein 2b/3a Inhibitor
HAZOPhazard and operability
IBRPindependent bathroom privileges
IBS-MMixed Irritable bowel syndrome
ICFintermediate care facility; intracellular fluid
ICSintercostal space; inhaled corticosteroid
INCAInstituto Nacional de Câncer
JPTRJefferson Pancreas Tumor Registry
KBTKoronis Biomedical Technologies
KCTTkaolin cephalin thromboplastin time
LASIKlaser assisted in situ keratomileusis
LAVHlaparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
LCADlong-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
LGAlarge for gestational age
LMOliving modified organism
LNULocal Neonatal Unit
LOPleft occiput posterior
LPcPlight perception with projection
MABPmean arterial blood pressure
MAPCAsMajor Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries
MHPMedical Home Project
MVRMitral Valve Replacement
MVTRMoisture vapor transmission rate
NHFANational Health Freedom Action
NHICnational health information center
NKDANo Known Drug Allergies
NUCSNuclear Medicine
OPCABoff-pump coronary artery bypass surgery
OUBoth Eyes
PADSpreventive aggression device system
PAO2alveolar oxygen partial pressure [case sensitive]
PAPpulmonary artery pressure; peak airway pressure; patient assistance programs
PHCGPublicis Healthcare Communications Group
POApower of attorney
PPIPput prevention into practice
PPSHPseudovaginal Perineoscrotal Hypospadias
PRKphotorefractive keratectomy
RAEright atrial enlargement
RAHAhemagglutination assay
ROMIRule Out Myocardial Infarction
RPGNRapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
SDSsodium dodecyl sulfate; same day services
SHBGSex Hormone-Binding Globulin
SIAstrip immunoblot assay
SS#Social Security Number
TBDto be determined
TCTPTranslationally-Controlled Tumor Protein
UDunit dose; ulnar deviation
VEvaccine efficacy; vaginal exam
WAwhile awake
amylamyl nitrite
cm2square centimeter
fl ozfluid ounce
g=ggrips equal and good
mol wtmolecular weight
umbumbilicus, umbilical

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