What is the CAT SCAN medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the CAT SCAN medical abbreviation?

The CAT SCAN abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is the meaning of the CAT SCAN medical abbreviation?

CAT SCAN medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In medical field, the CAT SCAN medical term stands for Computerized Axial Tomographic SCAN.

CAT SCAN: Computerized Axial Tomographic SCAN

Related Medical Abbreviations

6MWTSix Minute Walk Test
AALAutomated Anatomical Labeling
ARRSAlcohol Relapse Risk Scale
BBEBiostatistics Bioinformatics and Epidemiology
BEATBiomedical Engineering Awareness and Technologies
BGSBiomedical Graduate Studies
BHAIBehavioral Health Affiliate of Iowa
BHMPBehavioral Health Medical Professional
BHMSBachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
BRILBiological Resource Imaging Laboratory
C3Third Cervical Vertebra
C4Fourth Cervical Vertebra
CAMSTCenter for Advanced Medical Simulation and Training
CHIEClinical Health Information Exchange
CHRSCommunity Health Regional Systems
CLTCcitizens for long-term care
CPETCardiopulmonary exercise testing
CSScentral service supply
DFVdoppler flow velocimetry
DMREDiploma in Medical Radiology and Electrology
DOHADepartment of Health and Ageing
DREADDDesigner Receptor Exclusively Activated by a Designer Drug
DrPHDoctor of Public Health
EEFAEthics integrated filters, Equity matrix, Feasibility matrix, and Acceptability matrix
EEMGEden Emergency Medical Group
EIAenzyme immunoassay; exercise-induced asthma
FACHMFellow of the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine
FAHIMAFellow of the American Health Information Management Association
FEMLFamily Emergency Medical Leave
FGPTThe Fitness Gram Test
GHSAGlobal Health Security Agenda
GTSGreen Tobacco Sickness
HEMSHelicopter Emergency Medical Service
HICFHealth Innovation Challenge Fund
HONOSCAHealth of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents
HSIPHealth Sciences Immunization Program
HVCHigher Vocal Center
HVMHuman And Veterinary Medicine
HYMSHull York Medical School
IACHInstitute for the Advancement of Community Health
JCHMTJoint Committee on Higher Medical Training
JDRHJoint Department of Reproductive Health
JIAjuvenile idiopathic arthritis
LD50lethal dose at which 50% of animal test group dies
LIQlower inner quadrant
LISLiving Information System
MDR TBmulti-drug resistant tuberculosis
MFDMidForceps Delivery
MGmyasthenia gravis
MHHTMental Health Homeless Team
MISSMinimally Invasive Spinal Surgery
MSSDMedical Staff Services Department
MeRdMethyl Red (stain)
MoMolybdenum (element)
N/VNausea or vomiting.
NMDPNational Marrow Donor Program
NPVNegative Pressure Ventilation
NSICUneurosciences intensive care unit
NSQNeuro-Surgery Quiz
NUGnecrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
NaClSodium Chloride
OGHOffice of Global Health
OMFSoral and maxillofacial surgery
PCACPick Collectors Against Cancer
PDEpermitted daily exposure; phosphodiesterase
PDFFProton-Density Fat-Fraction
PEMTPublic Emergency Medical Transportation
POEpoint of entry
R&Dresearch and development
RISHIRural India Social and Health Improvement
SCCsquamous cell carcinoma; skilled care coordinator
SOAShortness of Air (replaces “SOB” — shortness of breath — in some records)
SWAMPSimply Wonderful Apparatus for Measuring Pulses
TIEToxicity Identification Evaluation
WBCCWhite Blood Cell Count
WDDDWorld Drug Discovery Development
YbYtterbium (element)
toxtoxic, toxicity; toxicology
uSpAundifferentiated spondylarthropathy
ut. dict.as directed (ut dictum)

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