C-2 medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What does the medical abbreviation C-2 stand for?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation C-2. However, what is the medical term C-2?

What does C-2 medical abbreviation stand for?

In medical field, the C-2 medical abbreviation stands for second cervical vertebrum.

C-2: second cervical vertebrum

Related Medical Abbreviations

6MWTSix Minute Walk Test
A-aAlveolar Arterial gradient
A/V RatioArteriolar/Venous Ratio
AHNAllegheny Health Network
ALVALAseptic Lymphocytic Vasculitis-Associated Lesion
ASLAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
BDDbody dysmorphic disorder
BEAbelow-the-elbow amputation
BICEBasel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology
CAIcomputer assisted instruction
CERiACentre of Excellence for Research in AIDS
CHECCommunity Health Education Complex
CLcrcreatinine clearance
CMIChronic multisymptom illness
CMMRCentre for Molecular and Medical Research
CPHLCentral Public Health Laboratories
CPMOCenter for Polar Medical Operations
CPTchest physiotherapy; current procedural terminology; carnitine palmitoyl transferase
CRAUCertified Responsible Antibiotic Use
CSUcatheter specimen of urine
CTCat Scan; also Chest Tube and Cardio-Thoracic
CTZchemoreceptor trigger zone
CWRcanal wall reconstruction
D/C or DCDiscontinue or discharge. For example, a doctor will D/C a drug. Alternatively, the doctor might DC a patient from the hospital.
DFSRHDiploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
DODMDepartment of Operational and Deployment Medicine
DSWDoctor of Social Work
FEMOField Emergency Medical Officer
FICSFellow of the International College of Surgeons
FTSBMFormaldehyde Treated SBM
GDMgestational diabetes mellitus
HBVhepatitis B vaccine; hepatitis B virus
HHEhealth hazard evaluation
HIV-RNAviral load of HIV
IAIInfection and Immunity
ICCMIntegrated Community Case Management
IFRinfection fatality ratio; instrument flight rules
IIintellectual impairment
IOVinitial office visit
IPPBintermittent positive pressure breathing
ISBincentive spirometry breathing
LCDliquor carbonis detergens
LLSLong leg splint
LPMliters per minute (oxygen)
LQTSlong QT syndrome
MASTmilitary anti-shock trousers
MBMPModified Bonn-Malmö Protocol
MCQmultiple-choice question
MDJWMedical Dental Job Workers
MIHEAMember Institute of Hospital Engineers Australia
MMRMeasles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine
MMTmanual muscle test
NKFHNorthern Kentucky Family Health
NMLCNaval Medical Logistics Command
NRTInucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
NYPASNational Young People and Asthma Survey
OHDOregon Health Division
OLTOrthotopic Liver Transplant
OOHout of hospital
PADQPakistan Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire
PCTApercutaneous transluminal angioplasty
PEApulseless electrical activity
PERLpupils equal and react to light
PRSPpenicillin-resistant streptococcus pneumoniae
PSCPrimary Sclerosing Cholangitis
RCRreplication competent retrovirus
RMRCRegenerative Medicine Research Committee
SAMGSouth Atlantic Medical Group
SCFEslipped capital femoral epiphysis
SLUDDSalivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Digestion, and Defecation
SNSsupplemental nursing system; sympathetic nervous system
SPLATTsplit anterior tibial tendon transfer
TRENDTraining Research and Education for Nurses in Diabetes
TSStoxic shock syndrome
ULBWultra low birth weight
VFVentricular Fibrillation
XNAsXenoreactive natural antibodies
dgmdecigram (one tenth of a gram)
pHhydrogen ion concentration (measure of acidity/alkalinity)
platsplatelet; platelets
pmolpicomole (one trillionth of a mole)

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