What does BNHH mean in medical abbreviation?

What does the BNHH medical term stand for?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation BNHH. However, what is BNHH in medical terms?

BNHH medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In science & medicine, the medical term BNHH means Bharat Natural and Holistic Health.

BNHH: Bharat Natural and Holistic Health

Related Medical Abbreviations

AEDAutomatic External Defibrillator; Anti-Epileptic Drug
ASUAmbulatory Surgery Unit
BOHboard of health
CRDchronic respiratory disease
D/C or DCDiscontinue or discharge. For example, a doctor will D/C a drug. Alternatively, the doctor might DC a patient from the hospital.
DICDisseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy
DOCdeoxycorticosterone; drug of choice
DPECDistrict Polio Eradication Committee
DRIdaily/dietary reference intake; Dietary Reference Intake
DTsDelirium Tremens
EAEexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis
EMQextended matching question
ENMTEar, Nose, Mouth, and Throat (medical)
EOPemergency operations plan
FCCPMFellow of the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine
FMSfibromyalgia syndrome; full mouth series
FWIMForum for Women in Internal Medicine
GDDGlobal developmental delay
GHMSGeorgia Highlands Medical Services
HBPMhome blood pressure monitoring
HBsAghepatitis B surface antigen
HCPhealth care provider/professional
HTLV-IIIhuman t lymphotropic virus type iii
I+With Ionic Contrast (in reference to a CAT Scan)
ICD-OInternational Classification of Diseases for Oncology
ILMVInactivated L. Monocytogenes Vaccine
IMA (L/R)internal mammary artery-left/right
IMPHInstitute for Medicine and Public Health
IPFIdiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
ISHisolated systolic hypertension; in situ hybridization
KPMGKaiser Permanente Medical Group
L-2second lumbar vertebra
LDHLactate Dehydrogenase
LENISLower Extremity Non-Invasive Study
LFTLiver Function Test
LUTleft upper thigh
LVHLeft Ventricular Hypertrophy
MCMmedical countermeasure
MDGMillennium Development Goals
MELTMyofascial Energetic Length Technique
MLSMedical Lab Scientist
MPJmetacarpophalangeal joint
MSIVPMaximum Slope of the Initial Vascular Phase
MSTmulti-systemic therapy
NCMJNorth Carolina Medical Journal
NPWTnegative pressure wound therapy
O&Eobservation and examination
O/Roral, rectal
OOBOut Of Bed
OSRopen septo-rhinoplasty
PCBPost-coital bleeding
PRApanel-reactive antibody; plasma renin activity
PTLpre-term labor
PetCO2partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide
QMPqualified medical practitioner
RUQRight Upper Quadrant
RVADRight Ventricular Assist Device
RVGRight Ventriculogram
SANEsexual assault nurse examiner
SCAsudden cardiac arrest; subclavian artery; sickle cell anemia
SSKIsaturated solution of potassium iodide
TAAThoracic Aortic Aneurysm
TCCNSWThe Cancer Council New South Wales
TSStoxic shock syndrome
VCFvaginal contraceptive film
VEBventricular ectopic beat
VSDVentricular Septal Defect
WTFHWomen Together For Health
extextremity; extend; exterior, external; extract
mIUmilli-international unit
osteoosteo myelitis
q.v.as much as you please (quantum vis); which see (quod vide)
qamevery morning
rDNARibosomal Deoxyribonucleic Acid

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