SHARP medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What is the meaning of the medical term SHARP?

The SHARP abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is the meaning of the medical term SHARP?

SHARP medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation SHARP is Swelling Heat Ache Redness Puss.

SHARP: Swelling Heat Ache Redness Puss

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ASTHMAAssociated Scientists to Help Minimize Allergies
AVRAortic Valve Replacement
BMRbasal metabolic rate
BMRTBachelor of Medical Radiotherapy Technology
BRETBiomedical Research Education And Training
C&SCulture and sensitivity, performed to detect infection.
CAAMCalifornia Association of Ayurvedic Medicine
CACTcarnitine acylcarnitine translocase (deficiency)
CCPDcontinuous cycling peritoneal dialysis
CEGACombined Epidural General Anesthesia
CIDRZCentre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia
CQIcontinuous quality improvement; clinical quality indicator
CRHcorticotropin-releasing hormone
CRTTCertified Respiratory Therapy Technician
CSIIcontinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
D&Adrug and alcohol
DCISDuctal Carcinoma In Situ
DLSOdistal lateral subungual onychomycosis
DMUDiploma in Medical Ultrasound
DPMDoctor of Podiatric Medicine
DTRDeep Tendon Reflex
E/OEvidence Of
ECTElectro-Convulsive Therapy
ECUextensor carpi ulnaris; emergency care unit
EERestimated energy requirement
EMDCEmergency Medical Dispatch Centre
EMTEmergency Medical Technician
ESRErythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
EUELISA unit; endotoxin unit
FGFfibroblast growth factor
FMfrequency modulation; fibromyalgia; fetal movement; family medicine
FNEfiberoptic nasal endoscopy
FWMLFar West Medicare Local
HCOhealth care organization
HDLChigh density lipoprotein cholesterol
HIDHealth Information Design; herniated intervertebral disc
IMHInternal Moving Healing
IMNInternational Medical Network
JEMPJournal of Ethiopian Medical Practice
LAAleft atrial appendage
LITTlaser-induced interstitial thermotherapy
LTCFlong-term care facility
LVADLeft Ventricular Assist Device
MATmiller analogies test; modular antigen transporter
MCEMedical Coaching Experience
MFECMedical Fee Exemption Card
MLAPMaster’s Level Addiction Professional
NCCAOMNational Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
NDGNational Data Guardian
NSBGPNon-Specific Bowel Gas Pattern
NSCLCANon-Small Cell Lung Cancer
OAEoto acoustic emissions
OLCOn-Line Clinicians
PAMFPalo Alto Medical
PE tubespolyethylene tubes
PMDAPharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency
QCquality control
QIAquality impact assessment
RFtright foot
RMArefuse(s) medical assistance; right medial ankle
RSNARadiological Society of North America
RVCTreport of verified case tuberculosis
SBspina bifida; small bowel; sinus bradycardia
SJSStevens-Johnson syndrome
TNF-Itumor necrosis factor inhibitor
TPCRTotal Pathologic Complete Response
TSLOthoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis
URIUpper Respiratory tract Infection
V fibventricular fibrillation
VOverbal order
WDWNWell Developed, Well Nourished
dislocdislocate, dislocation
gm/dLgrams per deciliter
iCaionized calcium
mor. accustomed
pHhydrogen ion concentration (measure of acidity/alkalinity) much as you please (quantum vis); which see (quod vide)
refrefuse(d); referral/refer

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