What is the deg medical abbreviation?

What does the abbreviation deg mean in medical terms?

The deg abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is the medical term deg?

What is the deg medical abbreviation?

In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation deg means degree.

deg: degree

Related Medical Abbreviations

CFSchronic fatigue syndrome
DDSTDenver Developmental Screening Test
EARestimated average requirement
ErErbium (element)
FEFforced expiratory flow (rate)
FRVfunctional residual volume
FWBfully weight bearing
G&Dgrowth and development
GGTgamma-glutamyl transferase
GM&SGeneral Medicine and Surgery
H&Lheart and lungs
HCAPhealthcare associated pneumonia
HCVDhypertensive cardiovascular disease
IACinternal auditory canal; interposed abdominal compression (CPR)
JRAjuvenile rheumatoid arthritis
MAPmean arterial pressure
MASTmilitary anti-shock trousers
MBCmaximum breathing capacity
MBDminimal brain dysfunction
MMPMultiple Medical Problems
MNMaster of Nursing; myoneural
MSRmotor sensory reflex
NDFno disease found
NMDAN-methyl D-aspartate
NTBneuropsychological test battery
P&Apercussion and auscultation
PAO2alveolar oxygen partial pressure [case sensitive]
PASApara-aminosalicylic acid
PKDpolycystic kidney disease
PTCpoints to consider; plasma thromboplastin component; percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography; papillary thyroid cancer
RCCRenal Cell Cancer
RUOresearch use only
SALTspeech and language therapy
STDSexually Transmitted Disease
SVEsterile vaginal examination
SWIsurgical wound infection
Svsievert (unit)
THCtetrahydrocannabinol (in marijuana and related)
THRTotal Hip Replacement
TLEtemporal lobe epilepsy
TSEtransmissible spongiform encephalopathies; testicular self-examination
VTEvenous thromboembolism
mmmillimeter (0.001 m)
qpas much as desired (quantum placeat)
rBSTrecombinant bovine somatotropin

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