WSES medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What does the WSES medical term stand for?

The WSES abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is WSES in medical terms?

What is the meaning of WSES medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation WSES is World Scientific and Engineering Society.

WSES: World Scientific and Engineering Society

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACOHAAmerican College of Osteopathic Hospital Administrators
AGHAdventist GlenOaks Hospital
AMLCArmy Medical Logistics Command
ASSHAustralian Society for Simulation in Healthcare
BEDSBelgian Elderly Diabetes Survey
BMODbody modification(s)
BTCMBasics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
CDCUChronic Diseases of Childhood Unit
CEHSCenter for Environmental Health and Safety
CHEPPCertified Healthcare Emergency Power Professional
CSCCardiac Stem Cell
CTMDClinical Trials for Medical Devices
CUHACalifornia Universal Healthcare Act
D&Vdiarrhea and vomiting
D.O.A.Defective On Arrival
D5%DWDextrose 5% in distilled water
DLNDental Lifeline Network
DQMWDr Quinn, Medicine Woman
DTSPDiagnostic Technologies and Screening Panel
EAEexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis
EMSAEmergency Medical Services Authority
FRVfunctional residual volume
GHCGlobal Health Corps
HBOhyperbaric oxygenation
HL7Health Level 7
HMCAHospital and Medical Care Association
HPWHealth Promotion and Wellness
HRBhealth-related behavior(s)
HbA1chemoglobin A1c
Hephepatoma cell line
ICMPischemic cardiomyopathy
IDLEsindolent lesions of epithelial origin
IHTCInternational Health Tourism Center
IMRIndependent Medical Review
IPPBintermittent positive pressure breathing
ISRPInternational Symposium on Ruminant Physiology
IVDUIntravenous Drug Use
JIAjuvenile idiopathic arthritis
KEGGKyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
KUHKuopio University Hospital
LHDLocal Health Departments
LMCCLicentiate of the Medical Council of Canada
LNLymph Node also Liquid Nitrogen
LTDlowest tolerated dose
MCFQModified Child Feeding Questionnaire
MCMOMedical Civil Military Operations
MDCATMedical Dental College Admission TEST
MMFmaxillomandibular fixation
MOmedical officer; months old
MPTPMedical Proficiency Training Program
MSICMedically Supervised Injecting Centre
MSTPMedical Scientist Training Program
MTAUMedical Treatment As Usual
NHONonprofit Healthcare Organization
NMAHNatural Medicine and Health
NPONothing By Mouth
OBUSobstetrical ultrasound
OHTsOntario Health Teams
PCDEPrimary Care Diabetes Europe
PETPositron Emission Tomography
PMDSPersistent Müllerian duct syndrome
PSFSPatient-Specific Functional Scale
PSMSPhysical Self-Maintenance Scale
PTCAPercutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
R&Wrecreation and welfare
RDSARenal Digital Subtraction Arteriography (radiology)
RMANCOVARepeated Measures Analysis of Covariance
ROblRight oblique
RWLSRegional West Laboratory Services
S4fourth heart sound
SASstatistical analysis system; symptom assessment scale
SMOSenior Medical Officer
TIV PFSTrivalent Influenza Vaccine ; Pre-Filled Syringe
TORPtotal ossicular replacement (prosthesis)
TRENDTraining Research and Education for Nurses in Diabetes
TSMMTranslational Science Molecular Medicine
UDunit dose; ulnar deviation
W-RISQSWork-Related and Injury Statistics Query System
WDMSWorld Directory of Medical Schools
WHLEWomen’s Healthy Living and Eating
WMGIWright Medical Group, Inc.
WPCAWyoming Primary Care Association
WWWPWisconsin Well Woman Program
WZSWeissenbacher- Zweymuller Syndrome
cTnIcardiac troponin I
quadquadrant; quadriceps
szseizure (epileptic)

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