VMB medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

What does the abbreviation VMB mean in medical terms?

There may be more than one meaning of VMB. However, what is the medical term VMB?

What is the VMB medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation VMB means Veterinary Medicine Biomedical.

VMB: Veterinary Medicine Biomedical

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAAlcoholics Anonymous; African American
ANCAbsolute Neutrophil Count
AODAdult-Onset Diabetes
ASTHMAAssociated Scientists to Help Minimize Allergies
BBBBundle Branch Block
BHIBiomedical and Health Informatics
BHISBrompton Harefield Infection Score
BRCbiomedical research center
CAAHCanadian Association for Adolescent Health
CACCertified Addictions Counselor
CHEMSCommunity Health Emergency Medical Services
CHPPMCenter for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
COWSclinical opiate withdrawal scale
CrChromium (element)
D&Vdiarrhea and vomiting
DMATdisaster medical assistance team
DPAdual-photon absorptiometry; Data Protection Act
DSDown’s Syndrome; degenerative spondylolisthesis; drug substance
DTDDevelopmental Topographical Disorientation
DVdouble vision; domestic violence; daily value (nutrition)
EDRCEpidemiology Data Resource Center
ERSeducation resource specialist; extended rotated side bent
EVARendovascular aneurysm repair
EVDexternal ventricular drain
EuEuropium (element)
F/Tfull time
GGTgamma-glutamyl transferase
H2O2hydrogen peroxide
HAPCHIV/AIDS Program Coordinator
HCPACHealth Care Professional Advisory Committee (American Medical Association)
HDThome dialysis training
HRTHormone Replacement Therapy
ICMLInternational Comm of Medical Librarians
IGTimpaired glucose tolerance
IMIntramuscular also Intramedullary
IMERInstitute For Medical Education Research
LASERlight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LCMALitchfield County Medical Association
LENISLower Extremity Non-Invasive Study
LMOALakeland Medical Office Association
LPTlicensed physical therapist
LSILlow-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
LTMlong-term memory
MAGHMedical Anthropology and Global Health
MCHBMaternal and Child Health Bureau
MDEmajor depressive episode
MSMental Status; also Mitral Stenosis, Multiple Sclerosis and Morphine Sulfate
MVSmitral valve stenosis; motor, vascular, and sensory
MoMolybdenum (element)
NAFLDnon-alcoholic fatty liver disease
NHLNon-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
NHONonprofit Healthcare Organization
NMPCNorthwest Medical Physics Center
OCPOral Contraceptive Pill
OMBoperational management board
PA-CCertified Physician Assistant
PINprostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
PNBXProstate Needle Biopsy
PNHPPhysicians for a National Health Program
POBy Mouth
PTEpulmonary thromboembolism
PaO2arterial oxygen partial pressure [case sensitive]
RBRVSresource-based relative value scale
RBVread back and verify
RCoARoyal College of Anaesthetists
RIFAright inner forearm
RnRadon (element)
SCAsudden cardiac arrest; subclavian artery; sickle cell anemia
SCLCASmall Cell Lung Cancer
SGPTserum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase
SMSHSwiss Medical Society for Hypnosis
TATturnaround time; thematic apperception test; tetanus antitoxin
TBEtick-borne encephalitis
THRTotal Hip Replacement
TRENDTraining Research and Education for Nurses in Diabetes
TRFthyrotropin-releasing factor; total fluid removed
UHFultrahigh frequency
UVGIultraviolet germicidal irradiation
WOIWithout incident
XLRCrossed Leg Raise
decubdecubitus (lying down)
optoptimal; optical
rescresuscitation; rescue
uSpAundifferentiated spondylarthropathy
v/vvolume per volume

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