What is LTM medical abbreviation?

What does the abbreviation LTM stand for in medical terms?

The LTM abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what does the abbreviation LTM stand for in medical terms?

What is the meaning of LTM medical abbreviation?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation LTM stands for long-term memory.

LTM: long-term memory

Related Medical Abbreviations

C&Aconscious and alert
CMFcyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil
CRVOCentral Retinal Vein Occlusion
CT scancomputed tomography scan
DOCdeoxycorticosterone; drug of choice
EDCestimated day of confinement; electronic data capture; extensor digitorum communis
ENTotorhinolaryngology/otolaryngologist; ear, nose and throat
FHxfamily history
FSfrozen section; Fealty’s syndrome; finger stick
GCSGlascow Coma Scale
GSGram Stain
HCAhealth care assistant
HNVhas not voided
HSDDhypoactive sexual desire disorder
HoHolmium (element)
IFRinfection fatality ratio; instrument flight rules
LATleft anterolateral thigh
LDHLactate Dehydrogenase
LRLactated Ringers
MASTmilitary anti-shock trousers
MBDminimal brain dysfunction
MGmyasthenia gravis
MMAmethylmalonic acid
OH-hydroxyl ion
OICopioid-induced constipation
PIAprolonged infantile apnea
PPNPeripheral Parenteral Nutrition
PSCTperipheral stem cell transplant
PSVpeak systolic velocity; pressure support ventilation; prostate-specific antigen
PaO2arterial oxygen partial pressure [case sensitive]
R.B.C.red blood cells
SAUstandard IgA beta-2 glycoprotein unit
SHEsafety, health and environment
SUDssingle use devices
TATturnaround time; thematic apperception test; tetanus antitoxin
TRFthyrotropin-releasing factor; total fluid removed
UHFultrahigh frequency
URTIupper respiratory tract infection
UTVultrasound transmission velocity
VCFvaginal contraceptive film
VLRAverbal lead risk assessment
WAwhile awake
difdifferential blood count
g=ggrips equal and good
in uterowithin the uterus
kDNAkinetoplast DNA
qodEvery other day. As in taking a medicine every other day.

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