What is the meaning of TR medical abbreviation?

What does the abbreviation TR mean in medical terms?

The TR abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is the meaning of the TR medical abbreviation?

What is TR medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the TR medical abbreviation is the meaning of Tricuspid Regurgitation.

TR: Tricuspid Regurgitation

Related Medical Abbreviations

CHADScongestive heart failure, hypertension, age, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke or TIA
CVATcostovertebral angle tenderness
CWRcanal wall reconstruction
D/NSdextrose in normal saline
DOIdigital object identifier; date of injury
EABelective abortion
GOMERSlang for “get out of my emergency room.”
GPCGram Positive Coccus
HNVhas not voided
IVDUIntravenous Drug Use
KAFOknee ankle foot orthosis
LATSlong-acting thyroid stimulator
LBBBLeft Bundle Branch Block
LD50lethal dose at which 50% of animal test group dies
MDAmedical device alert
MGmyasthenia gravis
MLPAmultiplex ligation dependent probe amplification
MMFmaxillomandibular fixation
MPHmiles per hour; Master of Public Health
NSInasal saline irrigations
NSVnon-specific vaginitis
ODDoppositional defiant disorder
PARparaffin; patient at risk; post anesthesia recovery
PASGpneumatic anti-shock garments
PDTphotodynamic therapy
PPNPeripheral Parenteral Nutrition
PPVpneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; positive predictive value
Paco2partial pressure of carbon dioxide in alveolar gas
R.B.C.red blood cells
RIDradial immunodiffusion
RPMrevolutions per minute
RSCright subclavian
SHserum hepatitis; social history
SRIserotonin reuptake inhibitor
SrStrontium (element)
TMStympanic membranes; transcranial magnetic stimulation
TRALItransfusion-related acute lung injury
URTIupper respiratory tract infection
VEGFvascular endothelial growth factor
VERvisual evoked response
reccrecommend or recommended
thertherapeutic, therapy
v/vvolume per volume

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