What is PIOS medical abbreviation?

What is the medical term PIOS?

In some cases, the abbreviation PIOS may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation PIOS stand for?

What does PIOS stand for in medical abbreviation?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation PIOS stands for Pain Is Over Soon.

PIOS: Pain Is Over Soon

Related Medical Abbreviations

A&OAlert And Oriented
AANAmerican Academy of Neurology
ADright ear (Lat.)
BSCbiological safety cabinet; bedside commode
CBRNEchemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive agents
CD4helper T lymphocytes
CHAPOCambridge Health Alliance Physicians Organization
CHQOERCenter for Health Quality Outcomes and Economic Research
CMHSDCentre for Mental Health Services Development
COURAGEClinical Outcomes Utilizing Revascularization and Aggressive Drug Evaluation (trial)
CSScentral service supply
CTBcease to breathe; chronic tuberculosis
DUANDesmonds United Association Naturpaths
FAMAFellow of the American Medical Association
FIGOFédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique (International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecologic)
GLBTGay Lesbian Bisexual Or Transgender
GSSGerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease
HCFAHealth Care For All
HICAPSHealth Industry Claims And Payments Service
HICNHealth Insurance Claim Numbers
HIMSSHealth Information Management Systems Society
HSV-1herpes simplex virus type 1
HoHolmium (element)
IGLInferior Glenohumeral Ligament
IMANIIslamic Medical Association and Network of Indonesia
IOMAIowa Osteopathic Medical Association
IPCintegrated personal commissioning
LATleft anterolateral thigh
LCLethal Concentration
LCMleft costal margin
LGMleft upper outer gluteus maximus
LMLleft mediolateral
LNMPlast normal menstrual period
MECHMechanic Evaluation and Certification for Healthcare
MEDminimum effective dose
MELTMyofascial Energetic Length Technique
METHYL TESTMethyltestosterone
MIDmulti-infarct dementia; minimum infective dose
MIDPMedical Innovators Development Program
MIRAMedical Interactive Recovery Assistant
MLPAOMedical Laboratory Professionals’ Association of Ontario
MTSMedical Training Solutions
MUFAmonounsaturated fatty acids
NHTANevada Healthcare Technology Association
NSBRINational Space Biomedical Research Institute
NVnausea and vomiting
OEOtitis Externa
P&Rpulse and respiration
PIIRSPost-Infectious Inflammatory Response Syndrome
PNMDParkinson Network of Mount Diablo
PPYLLPotentially Productive Years of Life Lost
PVHSPoudre Valley Health System
RAMEPRelais Assistantes Maternelles Enfants Parents
RE-LYRandomized Evaluation of Long-Term Anticoagulation Therapy
RFtright foot
RIFAright inner forearm
RN-CRegistered Nurse-Certified (by ANCC)
RPMrevolutions per minute
RSSRepetitive stress syndrome
RSVIrespiratory syncytial viral infection(s)
SASHSaline Antibiotics Saline and Heparin
SCLCASmall Cell Lung Cancer
SHARESpine Hand Arm Rehabilitation Ergonomics
SNFSkilled Nursing Facility
SSVsmall saphenous vein (also short saphenous vein)
SWDMSchuell-Wepman-Darley Multimodal Stimulation Treatment
SWRHASouth West Regional Health Authority
TCSMTurku Collegium for Science and Medicine
TEDthrombo embolic deterrent
TORSTrans-Oral Robotic Surgery
TVTtension-free vaginal tape
ULHSUnified Local Health System
WAJMWest African Journal of Medicine
WJOWorld Journal of Orthodontics
WtWeight. Body weight is often recorded as part of the physical examination.
c.n.s.to be taken tomorrow night (cras nocte sumendus)
extextremity; extend; exterior, external; extract
gravpregnancy (gravida)
infinferior; infant
metabmetabolic, metabolism
pmolpicomole (one trillionth of a mole)
simsimilar and simplated

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