What is the OFTT medical abbreviation?

What does the OFTT medical term mean?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation OFTT. However, what is the meaning of the medical term OFTT?

What does OFTT medical abbreviation stand for?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation OFTT stands for organic failure to thrive.

OFTT: organic failure to thrive

Related Medical Abbreviations

BRBPRBright Red Blood Per Rectum
CAGEcontrolling, anger/annoyance, guilt, eye opener (questions)
CCPclinical care pathway
CLLChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
CMHCcommunity mental health center
CNISCarotid Non-Invasive Study
D/NSdextrose in normal saline
G#P#Gravida # Para #
HAARTHighly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
IDVindinavir (antiviral drug)
IFRinfection fatality ratio; instrument flight rules
KAFOknee ankle foot orthosis
LCMleft costal margin
LMPLast Menstrual Period
LWSlow wall suction
MAO-Bmonoamine oxidase-b
MDSMyelo dysplastic syndrome
MPHmiles per hour; Master of Public Health
NSVnon-specific vaginitis
OLMCon-line medical control
OORout of room
P&Rpulse and respiration
PJPPneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
PSSphysiologic saline solution; progressive systemic sclerosis
PTEMpregnancy test education materials
RTFready to feed; resident treatment facility
S/Eside effects
SCDsequential compression device; sudden cardiac death
SHEsafety, health and environment
SROsingle room occupancy
SSRISelective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
TORPtotal ossicular replacement (prosthesis)
TSStoxic shock syndrome
TTtilt table; thrombin time; total thyroidectomy; tetanus toxoid
VAVisual Acuity
VDvenereal disease
VEGFvascular endothelial growth factor
bicarb(Sodium) bicarbonate
eGFRestimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive]
q.v.as much as you please (quantum vis); which see (quod vide)
recrecommend or recommended
u/ourine output

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