What is the OBHK medical abbreviation?

What does the medical term OBHK stand for?

The abbreviation OBHK may have a few different meanings. However, what is the medical abbreviation OBHK?

What does OBHK medical abbreviation stand for?

In medical field, the OBHK medical term stands for Oceans Behavioral Hospital Kentwood.

OBHK: Oceans Behavioral Hospital Kentwood

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAMEAmerican Academy of Medical Ethics
ACOHAAmerican College of Osteopathic Hospital Administrators
AHC(S)Academic Health Center(S)
AHHSAlternative Herbal Health Services
AMSACAir Medical Safety Advisory Council
AVMArterial Venous Malformation
BCRFBlood Center Research Foundation
BDDT-NBoard of Directors of Drugless Therapy – Naturopathy (licensing body in ON)
BDNFbrain-derived neurotrophic factor
BIKASHBuilding In Knowledge Attitude Skills for Health
BRATbananas, rice, applesauce, toast (diet)
BRBBright Red Blood
CBVCerebral Blood Volume
CCJMCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine
CHOBAChrist’s Hospital Old Blues’ Association
CIOCorticosteroid-Induced Osteoporosis
COIChronic Orthostatic Intolerance
CSDLCoast Survey Development Laboratory
CSFHCollege Success for Healthcare
DABFDescending Aortic Blood Flow
DAHdisordered action of the heart
DHMTDistrict Health Medical Team
DMPEDragon Medical Practice Edition
DMSA2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid
ECHIEast Carolina Heart Institute
ECVextracellular volume
ETHICEmerging Technologies and Healthcare Innovations Congress
FAPAFellow of the American Psychological Association
FHLflexor hallucis longus
FHRfetal heart rate
FPFamily Practitioner
FRVfunctional residual volume
Flex SigFlexible Sigmoidoscopy
GDIGender Development Index
GMCgeneral medical council
GRIMEGroup on Research In Medical Education
HDChigh dose chemotherapy
HOOPPHealthcare of Ontario Pension Plan
HRAhealth risk assessment
ILCYIndividual laboratory cheese yield
IVADintravenous access device
JHBMCJohns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
LAAleft atrial appendage
LBCWSLaboratory of Biodiversity Conservation of Water and Soil
LIMALeft Internal Mammary Artery
MFmid forceps
MINDSMedical Information Network Distribution Service
MIOTMedical Institute of Tamils
MRMUMinimal Rational Medication Utilization
MUFAmonounsaturated fatty acids
NVFNon-Visual Function
NWTSNational Wilms Tumor Study
OMCOlmsted Medical Center
PAUTPhased array ultrasonic testing
PCLPosterior Cruciate Ligament
PDAIPerianal Disease Activity Index
PPCRSPost Payment Clinical Reviews
PPIProton Pump Inhibitor
PPYLLPotentially Productive Years of Life Lost
PRPpolysaccharide-ribitol-phosphate vaccine; platelet-rich plasma; pan retinal photocoagulation
PSCPrimary Sclerosing Cholangitis
PSROprofessional standards review organization
RAPDrelative afferent pupillary defect
RESreticuloendothelial system
RHTCRural Health Training Centre
RURepertorium Universale
SACshort arm cast
SAPBStd Aids Prevention Branch
SEMCSleepy Eye Medical Center
SOFASequential Organ Failure Assessment
SRLMSystematic Reviewing in Laboratory Medicine
SSRTSympathetic Skin Response Test
T-2second thoracic vertebrum
TAHUTexas Association of Health Underwriters
TAROMtotal active range of motion
TBSAtotal body surface area
TRAHTaunton Road Animal Hospital
TVTidal Volume
VAPAAVeterans Affairs Physician Assistant Association
VCFvaginal contraceptive film
WMBHWest Main Behavioral Health
WPATHWorld Professional Association for Transgender Health
YFHYour Future Health
ch pxchicken pox
omn. hor.every hour
sRNAsoluble RNA

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