What is the MND medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation MND?

There may be more than one meaning of MND. However, what does the MND medical term mean?

What does MND medical abbreviation mean?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation MND stands for motor neuron disease.

MND: motor neuron disease

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BCPPBoard Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist
BPPbiophysical profile
BScBachelor of Science
CDEComplete dental (oral) evaluation.
COX-2cyclooxygenase 2 (inhibitors)
CPcleft palate; chest pain; cerebral palsy; cicatricial pemphigoid; cardiopulmonary
CPHSSCincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
CWDcanal wall down
DPAPdiastolic pulmonary artery pressure
DPatdiphtheria-acellular pertussis tetanus (vaccine)
DRDiabetic Retinopathy
DVTDeep Venous Thrombosis
ECTElectro-Convulsive Therapy
FPEMfamily planning education materials
GBMGlioblastoma Multiforme
GHBgamma hydroxybutyrate
HDThome dialysis training
HOSAhealth occupations students of
IMIInferior Myocardial Infarction
ISGimmune serum globulin
LASERlight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LDUHlow-dose-unfractionated heparin
LOMSCHleft otitis media, suppurative, chronic
LSKliver, spleen, kidneys
MPAPmean pulmonary artery pressure
NCINational Cancer Institute
NCSNerve Conduction Study
PCO2carbon dioxide pressure
PapPapanicolaou smear
RAFaright anterior forearm
SASino-Atrial; Staph Aureus
SISuicidal Ideation
SPAsperm penetration assay; single point of access
SPFSun Protection Formula
SROsingle room occupancy
T&SType and Screen
UCXUrine Culture
VODveno-occlusive disease
difdifferential blood count
disdisabled; discontinue; disease; discussed
mandmandatory; mandible, mandibular
nDNAnative DNA
qPMEach evening. As in taking a medicine each evening.
recrecommend or recommended

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