What does the medical term MEHO stand for?
There may be more than one meaning of MEHO. Below is the meaning of MEHO abbreviation in medical terms.
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What is MEHO medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, the medical abbreviation MEHO stands for Migrant and Ethnic Health Observatory.
MEHO: Migrant and Ethnic Health Observatory
Related Medical Abbreviations
AAAT | Adult Adolescent Alcohol Treatment |
AALB | Asthma, Allergy & Lung Biology |
AATP | Anesthesia Assistant Training Program |
ABLLS-R | Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills, Revised |
AOEC | Asian Oceanian Epilepsy Congress |
APS | Adult Protective Services |
AVPD | AtrioVentricular Plane Displacement |
BFS | Blow-Fill-Seal |
BFU-E | Burst-Forming Unit-Erythroid |
BIGH | Biology of Infections and Global Health |
BMT | Bone Marrow Transplant |
BOSIET | Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training |
CBE | clinical breast exam; charting by exception |
CEBC | Central European Biomedical Congress |
CHAPPS | Children’s Auditory Processing Performance Scale |
CMHA | Canadian Mental Health Association |
CMNH | Centre for Maternal and Newborn Health |
CTCAE | common terminology criteria for adverse events (NCI) |
Cd | Cadmium (element) |
DMPA | depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate |
DMSO | dimethylsulfoxide |
DOPD | Dermatology Out-Patient Department |
EAA | essential amino acids |
EAC | external auditory canal; erythema annulare centrifugum |
EFMA | Europeans For Medical Advancement |
EKG | Electrocardiogram (also known as ECG) |
EN | erythema nodosum |
EPS | Electro-Physiologic Study |
FACC | Fellow of the American College of Cardiology |
FACMT | Fellows of the American College of Medical Toxicology |
FAPA | Fellow of the American Psychological Association |
FD | fire department; focal distance; fully dilated; fatal dose |
GN | Glomerulonephritis |
HCP | health care provider/professional |
HEROES | Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act |
HEZ | Health Equity Zones |
HGS | Health General Secretriat |
HPAIV | highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, type H5N1 |
HPSP | Health Professions Scholarship Program |
HSCE | Health Service Commissioner for England |
HZV | herpes zoster virus |
HbA1c | hemoglobin A1c |
IHF | Ithaca Health Fund |
IHLD | International Healthcare Leadership and Development |
IJV | Inernal Jugular Vein |
IWMI | inferior wall myocardial infarction |
JCAHO | Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations |
LV FXN | Left Ventricular Function |
LVD | Left Ventricular Dysfunction |
LVEDP | Left Ventricular End Diastolic Pressure |
MAF | Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue |
MBSR | Mindfulness -Based Stress Reduction |
MGA | Medical Goes Additive |
MGIA | Mycobacterial Growth Inhibition Assay |
NIAM | National Institute Of Ayurvedic Medicine |
NMCD | Natural Medicine Comprehensive Database |
NT-proBNP | N-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide |
OR | operating room |
OSHH | Of Substances Hazardous to Health |
PBC | Primary Billiary Cirrhosis |
PE | Physical Exam; also Pulmonary Embolism |
PERRLA+C | pupils equal, round, react to light, accommodation ok, and coordinated |
PRM | partial-rebreathing mask |
PUFA | polyunsaturated fatty acid |
RBRVS | resource-based relative value scale |
RLE | Right Lower Extremity |
RUA | right upper arm |
RWJUH | Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital |
SCBU | Special Care Baby Unit |
SCOH | Standing Committee On Health |
SMS | Smith-Magenis syndrome |
SPECT | single-photon emission computed tomography |
Sz | seizure |
TBG | thyroid-binding globulin |
TPCR | Total Pathologic Complete Response |
TVR | tricuspid valve replacement |
Te | tetanus; Tellurium (element) |
UMJ | Ulutas Medical Journal |
VLDL | very low density lipoprotein |
WD | well developed |
WTFH | Women Together For Health |
ddC | zalcitabine |
insuff | insufficient |
ltx | latex |
mMol | millimole |
mg | Milligrams. |
mr | milliroentgen |
nv | visual acuity for near |
p̄ | post ( after) |
rem | removal |
s/p | Status post. For example, a person who had a knee operation would be s/p a knee operation. |