What is the meaning of BOO medical abbreviation?

What is the medical abbreviation BOO?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the BOO abbreviation. However, what is the meaning of the medical abbreviation BOO?

BOO medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In science & medicine, the BOO medical abbreviation is the meaning of Bladder Outflow Obstruction.

BOO: Bladder Outflow Obstruction

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACRMAtlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine
ADTPAlcohol and Drug Treatment Program
AIIAllergy Inflammation and Immunology
APSAAmerican Physician Scientists Association
ASHMAssociate Safety Health Manager
BCEbasal cell epithelioma; bone collagen equivalents
BKMCBacha Khan Medical College
CMIPComprehensive Medicaid Integrity Plan
CNCMHCanadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene
CSScentral service supply
DDMSDeputy Director of Medical Services
DFSdoppler flow studies
DOS CALDocusate Calcium
DTRDDiabetic Tractional Retinal Detachment
EBRSEuropean Biological Rhythms Society
EHWPEmotional Health and Wellness Program
EMDCEmergency Medical Dispatch Centre
EOCEmergency Operations Center
EPSDTearly and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment
ERSeducation resource specialist; extended rotated side bent
ESTMEuropean School of Transfusion Medicine
ETMExperimental and Therapeutic Medicine
FACMFellowship in Acute Care Medicine
FDBflexor digitorum brevis
FIGOFédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique (International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecologic)
FIPFeline Infectious Pertinitis
FPFamily Practitioner
FROMfull range of motion
FSGFinger Stick Glucose
Ft.make (fiat)
HGHhuman growth hormone
HGRCHealth Guidelines Revision Committee
IAWin accordance with
IHInguinal Hernia (usually preceded by L or R)
IMPHInstitute for Medicine and Public Health
ITIntrathecal; Information Technology
IWLInsensible Water Loss
JDCSJapan Diabetic Complications Study
LHSlong handled sponge
LIFAleft inner forearm
LLLLeft Lower Lobe; Left Lower Lid
MASHAMines and Aggregates Safety and Health Association
METCMedical Evaluation and Treatment Clinic
MFHAMulticultural Foodservice Hospitality Alliance
MMRCMarin Medical Reserve Corps
MRGmurmur rub gallop
MRHSMorningside Retirement and Health Services
OFCoccipital-frontal circumference
OPHSoffice of public health and science
PAAMPhysicians Association for Anthroposophic Medicine
PCCRpost cardiac cath recovery
PFMEPractical Foundations of Medical Education
PORPpartial ossicular replacement prosthesis
PSGLHuman P-selectin glycoprotein ligand
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
QHSEvery Night
R/ORule Out
ROAright occiput anterior
ROTARotavirus Vaccine (replaced by RV1 and RV5)
S/Ssigns and symptoms
SBISerious Bacterial Infection
SCAsudden cardiac arrest; subclavian artery; sickle cell anemia
SFBTSolution–Focused Brief Therapy
SLBshort leg brace
SLNHASri Lanka National Health Accounts
SMTSpecial Medical Technology
SNMMISociety of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
SOMIsternal occipital mandibular immobilizer
SPAPsystolic pulmonary artery pressure
SRHRSexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
SROMspontaneous rupture of membranes
TEDthrombo embolic deterrent
TIATransient Ischemic Attack
TRAPtremor, rigidity, akinesia or postural instability bradykinesia, and postural instability
UQupper quadrant
URTIupper respiratory tract infection
VVCvulvovaginal candidiasis
WBFMWhiting Bay Family Medicine
WDPTWallerian Degeneration of the Pyramidal Tract
WHTSOWelsh Health Technical Services Organization
WMBHWest Main Behavioral Health
WPHSWork Place Health and Safety
aaequal quantities of each ingredient
ugmicrogram (0.000001 gram)

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