What is LWGL medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation LWGL stand for?

There may be more than one meaning of LWGL. Here is the meaning of LWGL mean in medical terms.

What does LWGL mean in medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, it is CSIRO Land and Water Griffith Laboratory the medical abbreviation LWGL stands for.

LWGL: CSIRO Land and Water Griffith Laboratory

Related Medical Abbreviations

3D_USThree Dimensional Ultrasonography
AFSMAsian Federation of Sports Medicine
AIHOAlliance for Improving Health Outcomes
ASHMAssociate Safety Health Manager
ASSBAccidental Suffocation and Strangulation in Bed
ATFLanterior talofibular ligament
BCRFBlood Center Research Foundation
BEBBenign essential blepharospasm
BSBowel Sounds; also Breath Sounds and Blood Sugar
BSHSMBachelor of Science in Health Services Management
CEGConsensus Error Grid
CMEPChild Medical Evaluation Program
CMHCcommunity mental health center
COGcenter of gravity
COWCircle Of Willis
DCODiabetic Care Overview
DESGDiabetes Education Study Group
DHCADubai Healthcare City Authority
DIPCDirector of Infection Prevention and Control
DTsDelirium Tremens
EBNAEpstein-Barr nuclear antigen
EHSemployee health service
EMPRAEmergency Medical Physician Record Assistant
ESSEmpty sella syndrome
FACDFellow of the American College of Dentists
FEESflexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing
FHTfetal heart tone(s)
FTSBMFormaldehyde Treated SBM
G&Ageneral and acute
GHEMSGlobal Health Education in Medical Schools
HANDHelping After Neonatal Death
HCDUHealthcare Careers Development Unit
HCWhealth care worker
HELLPHemolysis Elevated Liver tests Low Platelets
HLHHaydom Lutheran Hospital
HQAHealth Quality Assurance
ICSDInternational Classification of Sleep Disorders
IDPIInhaled, Dry Powder Insulin
IMRRInterim Medication Regimen Review
INCLInfantile Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
JOBHJefferson Oaks Behavioral Health
MARCMonoclonal Antibody Regional Center
MCMIMillon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
MCOPMedical Center Orthotics Prosthetics
MCRAMedical Care Recovery Act
MG CARBMagnesium Carbonate
MLSPMedical Laboratory Science Program
MRDMMedical Research Data Management
MUDmatched unrelated donor
NIHGPSNational Institutes of Health Grants Policy Statement
NMNMNaprapathic Medicine of New Mexico
NMUDNon Medical Use of Drugs
NNDCNational Network of Depression Centers
NPEUNational Perinatal Epidemiology Unit
NSNormal Saline
PCAPatient Controlled Analgesia
PECPrimary Engineering Control
PLPPatient Left Practice
PPMApostpoliomyelitis muscular atrophy
PRFprolactin-releasing factor
RDPrandom donor platelets
RVFright ventricular function; right ventricular failure
RVPRespiratory Viral Panel assay
RbRubidium (element)
SOAPsubjective, objective, assessment, plan
SSIMSandy Springs Internal Medicine
SSVsmall saphenous vein (also short saphenous vein)
STKMStaedtisches Klinikum Muenchen, GmbH
T&Xtype and crossmatch
TEDthrombo embolic deterrent
TQMtotal quality management
TSDtime since death
TTPTender To Palpation; Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
TVSRTumor Volume Surface Ratio
UB6Urinary Bladder 6 acupuncture point
WICMWellington Intensive Care Medicine
WMAPWisconsin Medical Assistance Program
WRMCWestern Regional Medical Command
ZESZollinger- Ellison Syndrome
extextremity; extend; exterior, external; extract
hsat bedtime (hora somni)
u/ourine output

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