What does the medical abbreviation LUQ mean?
In some cases, the abbreviation LUQ may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation LUQ stand for?
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What is the meaning of LUQ medical abbreviation?
In medicine, the medical term LUQ stands for Left Upper Quadrant.
LUQ: Left Upper Quadrant
Related Medical Abbreviations
A/V Ratio | Arteriolar/Venous Ratio |
ABG | Arterial Blood Gas |
ADA | American Diabetes Association |
CAI | computer assisted instruction |
Ca | Cancer; carcinoma. For example, a patient who undergoing treatment for cancer should assure that they are eating and drinking enough fluids daily, both during and after treatment. |
CoV | coronavirus |
EBA | epidermolysis bullosa acquisita |
FFP | Fresh Frozen Plasma |
FRV | functional residual volume |
FSG | Finger Stick Glucose |
FTT | Failure To Thrive |
GHRF | growth hormone-releasing factor |
HDU | high dependency unit; Hemodialysis Unit |
HHS | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
I&O | Ins and Outs |
IABP | Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump |
IPP | intermittent positive pressure |
JT | Joint. |
MAD | multiple autoimmune disorder |
MAMC | midarm muscle circumference |
MF | mid forceps |
MONA | morphine, oxygen, nitrates, aspirin |
MSk | musculoskeletal |
NAT | non-accidental trauma; nucleic acid-based tests |
NTT | nasotracheal tube |
OLT | Orthotopic Liver Transplant |
OOT | out of town |
OPHS | office of public health and science |
OTR | registered occupational therapist |
PBF | partially breastfed |
PCWP | Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure |
PSL | peripheral saline lock |
Pm | Promethium (element) |
SVE | sterile vaginal examination |
TAH-t | total artificial heart |
TLE | temporal lobe epilepsy |
UEC | urgent and emergency care |
UOP | urinary output |
UOQ | upper outer quadrant |
VEGF | vascular endothelial growth factor |
VIS | vaccination instruction sheet; vaccine information sheet |
XC | exact carbon |
cm | centimeter |
dept | department |
dil | dilation; dilatation |
etc. | etcetera, and so on |
fl dr | fluid dram |
irreg | irregular |
man. prim. | first thing in the morning |
qod | Every other day. As in taking a medicine every other day. |
qon | every other night |