What is laryngol medical abbreviation?

What does the laryngol medical term stand for?

The laryngol abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation laryngol mean?

What is the laryngol medical abbreviation?

In the medical field, the medical abbreviation laryngol stands for laryngological.

laryngol: laryngological

Related Medical Abbreviations

BBWblack box warning
C2second cervical vertebra
CHFCongestive Heart Failure
CPPDCalcium Pyrophosphate Disease
DTaPdiphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis
ECTElectro-Convulsive Therapy
ESBLextended-spectrum beta laminase
G&Dgrowth and development
GGTgamma-glutamyl transferase
GUMgenitourinary medicine
H fluhemophilus influenzae
HRHeart Rate
HbBHemoglobin B
ICUIntensive care unit. The patient was moved to the intensive care unit.
IJInternal Jugular
IUCDintrauterine contraceptive device
LGIlower gastrointestinal
MPHmiles per hour; Master of Public Health
NICMPnonischemic cardiomyopathy
OBSorganic brain syndrome; obstetrics
P4Ppay for performance
PCLPosterior Cruciate Ligament
PCTproximal convoluted tubule; patient care technician; photochemical treatment
PIIpersonally identifiable information
PNIperipheral nerve injury
PULpercutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy
PharmDDoctor of Pharmacy
RADARrisk assessment of drugs analysis and response; radio detecting and ranging
RAIUradioactive iodine uptake
RIFAright inner forearm
RVVCrecurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis
SMsynovial membrane; streptomycin
SSASocial Security Administration
TIDThree times per day
TRALItransfusion-related acute lung injury
TSStoxic shock syndrome
VEPvisually evoked potential
VHvitreous hemorrhage; viral hepatitis; visual hallucinations
cgcentigram (one hundredth of a gram)
liqfluid; liquid
sublingsublingual (under tongue)
u/ourine output

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