What does HEPA medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the HEPA medical term stand for?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the HEPA abbreviation. However, what does the abbreviation HEPA stand for in medical terms?

What is the meaning of HEPA medical abbreviation?

In the medical field, the medical abbreviation HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air (filtration).

HEPA: high-efficiency particulate air (filtration)

Related Medical Abbreviations

APDAfferent Pupillary Defect
BPVBenign Positional Vertigo
BSIblood stream infection; body substance isolation
C&Aconscious and alert
CNISCarotid Non-Invasive Study
DOEDyspnea on exertion. Shortness of breath with activity.
GPTglutamic-pyruvic transaminase
GeGermanium (element)
HCPhealth care provider/professional
HeHelium (element)
LDRPlabor, delivery, recovery, postpartum room
LOFloss of function
MAImycobacterium avium intracellular
MCATMedical College Admissions Test
MDTmultidisciplinary team
MEFRmaximum expiratory flow rate
MENmultiple endocrine neoplasia
MLDmedian lethal dose; metachromatic leukodystrophy; minimum lethal dose
MMPMultiple Medical Problems
MMTmanual muscle test
NAFLDnon-alcoholic fatty liver disease
NGTDno growth to date (culture status)
OTRregistered occupational therapist
PNFproprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
PPVpneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; positive predictive value
PRBCpacked red blood cell(s)
PSLperipheral saline lock
R/Lright to left
RSBIRapid Shallow Breathing Index
RSCright subclavian
S/PStatus Post; also Supra Pubic
SAARDslow-acting antirheumatic drug(s)
SACshort arm cast
SPAsperm penetration assay; single point of access
SRTspeech reception threshold on audiometry
SSASocial Security Administration
TC&DBturn, cough, and deep breath
TSEtransmissible spongiform encephalopathies; testicular self-examination
TbTerbium (element)
TlThallium (element)
mRNAmessenger RNA; messenger ribonucleic acid
part. vic.in divided doses (partitis vicibus)
pulvpowder (pulvis)
q.p.as much as desired (quantum placeat)

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