FSAD medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What does the FSAD medical term mean?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of FSAD abbreviation. However, what does FSAD mean in medical terms?

FSAD medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation FSAD is Female Sexual Arousal Disorder.

FSAD: Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

Related Medical Abbreviations

6MWTSix Minute Walk Test
ACRNAsthma Clinical Research Network
AEDAutomatic External Defibrillator; Anti-Epileptic Drug
APCMAssociates in Primary Care Medicine
BAHAbone anchored hearing aid
BHbehavioral health
BKMCBacha Khan Medical College
BOWRBilateral Ovarian Wedge Resection
CEERClaim Evidence Evidence Reasoning
CHCCChristian Health Care Center
CHICACommunity and Hospital Infection Control Association
CHPAConsumer Healthcare Products Association
CVMCCatawba Valley Medical Center
DMATdisaster medical assistance team
DPCGIDiverse Populations Collaborative Group Investigation
EEMGEden Emergency Medical Group
EFIMEuropean Federation of Internal Medicine
EOEssential Oils
ETHICEmerging Technologies and Healthcare Innovations Congress
EVOOextra-virgin olive oil
FBMfetal breathing movements
FDFMFellowship in Diabetic Foot Management
FICSFellow of the International College of Surgeons
GIFgraphics interchange format
GMDNGlobal Medical Device Nomenclature
GPGeneral Practitioner
GSGram Stain
HLRHeart Lung Resuscitation
HMJHormozgan Medical Journal
HPSHantavirus pulmonary syndrome. A type of contagious, infectious disease transmitted by rats infected with the virus.
HSAMHeart Sounds And Murmurs
HSIHealth Science Institute
IARSInternational Anesthesia Research Society
IMHSIntegrated Mental Health Strategy
IOUIntensive therapy Observation Unit
ITPGRInternational Treaty on plant genetic resources
IUSTIInternational Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections
IVDAintravenous drug abuse
KPIkey performance indicator
LILTLow Intensity Laser Therapy
LIPSLadies in Philanthropy for Southlake (Regional Hospital, Newmarket, Ontario)
LOLINADLittle Old Lay In No Apparent Distress
LSHLife Sciences Health
LUCELLECLungs Under Clear Efficient Love and Luck Even Care
MAFMultidimensional Assessment of Fatigue
MEHOMigrant and Ethnic Health Observatory
MEMSAMinnesota Emergency Medical Services Association
MHMRAMental Health Mental Retardation Authority
MIHEAMember Institute of Hospital Engineers Australia
MNSTMalignant Nerve Sheath Tumor
MYAMaa Yoga Ashram
NEMDNew England Medical Design
NICARENorthern Ireland Centre for Health Care Cooperation and Development
NIMNeural Impulse Maximizer
NMTnot more than
NSIADNon-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (medication)
OSCEobjective structured clinical examination
PCAfter Meals
PFTsPulmonary Function Tests
PLHCPPhysician or other Licensed Health Care Professional
PVDPeripheral Vascular Disease; Posterior Vitreous Detachment
PmPromethium (element)
RHPARegulated Health Professions Act
RPMrevolutions per minute
RRLregistered records librarian
S/sxSigns and Symptoms
SMRTState Medical Review Team
THEISTower Hamlets Early Intervention Service
TJEMThai Journal of Emergency Medicine
TOtelephone order
TOHThe Ottawa Hospital
TORSTrans-Oral Robotic Surgery
TOSthoracic outlet syndrome
TOTSTracking Our Toddlers Shots
UBVUltrasound Bone Velocity
UDMHUnified Data Model for Healthcare
UPNCUnited Physicians of Northern Colorado
UUIUrge Urinary Incontinence
VAVisual Acuity
VDvenereal disease
XIX-ray Instrumentation
ZDLZavos Diagnostic Laboratories Inc
mRNAmessenger RNA; messenger ribonucleic acid
mppcfmillions of particles per cubic foot (air)
ptspatient, patients

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