What does FEMCC mean in medical abbreviation?

What does the medical term FEMCC stand for?

The abbreviation FEMCC may have a few different meanings. However, what is the meaning of the medical abbreviation FEMCC?

FEMCC medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation FEMCC stands for Freestanding Emergency Medical Care Center.

FEMCC: Freestanding Emergency Medical Care Center

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACEMAustralian College of Emergency Medicine
ALBCAntibiotic Loaded Bone Cement
APSAAmerican Physician Scientists Association
BRPBathroom Privileges
BSBHBachelor of Science in Behavior and Health
CEBPCentre of Evidence Based Physiotherapy
CGHBCigna Global Health Benefits
CICClean Intermittent Catheterization
CKCreatinine Kinase
COCcauterization of the cervix; Certificate of Coverage; combined oral contraceptive
DNUDet Nye Universitetshospital
DODoctor of Osteopathy
DQdevelopmental quotient
DTsDelirium Tremens
EBNAEpstein-Barr nuclear antigen
ECSPPExpert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations
EJExternal Jugular
FDEFixed Drug Eruption
FHFFulminant Hepatic Failure
FHLSSFaculty of Health Life Social Sciences
FMDCFederal Medical Dental College
FNEfiberoptic nasal endoscopy
FNIHFoundation for the National Institutes of Health, Inc.
FRCSFellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FWSIFunctional & Wellness Sciences Institute
G&Ageneral and acute
GABRB3GABAA receptor gene
GCTglucose challenge test
HASTENHealth And Security Telephone Emergency Network
HELPHealth Equipment Loan Program
HMPDHealth Management and Policy Department
HMRIHealth Management Research Institute
HRAhealth risk assessment
HSOPHealth Services Organization and Policy
IBBMImage Based Biomedical Modeling
IMCPIntensive Medicine Clinical Program
IVDUIntravenous Drug Use
JVMSJournal of Veterinary Medical Science
LFAleft forearm
LOAELLowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
LPTlicensed physical therapist
M/Hxmedical history
MAPCMedical Assistance Personal Care
MCFPsMedical Centers for Federal Prisoners
MEMHMigrant and Ethnic Minority Health
MISPMedical Information Services Program
MMVMedicines for Malaria Venture
MOSCMedical Office Service Coordinator
MQGMedical QiGong
MVAmotor vehicle accident
NCNSNo Complications, No Sequelae
NHPnursing home placement
NMLCPNational Malaria and Lieshmania Control Program
NSAENeonatal systemic air embolism
NTCNNaked Tumor Cell Nuclei
PCCRpost cardiac cath recovery
PEEPpositive end expiratory pressure
PGHPledge Guarantee for Health
PUHPeptic Ulcer Hemorrhage
PUJPelviUreteric Junction
RAASrenin angiotensin aldosterone system
RBRVSresource-based relative value scale
RPMrevolutions per minute
RPTrifapentine; registered physical therapist
RSIrepetitive strain injury; rapid sequence intubation
SPALStandardized Performance Assessment Laboratory
SRSAslow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis
TBVTotal blood volume
TDHTennessee Department of Health
TEEtransesophageal echocardiography; transesophageal endoscopy; transesophageal echocardiogram
TEOtemporo-occipital (brain area)
TNFTumor Necrosis Factor
TRCBSTranslational Research Centers in Behavioral Science (US National Institutes of Health)
TWEtap water enema
UGRUroGenital Ridge
VDRVenereal Disease Research
VDUsVideo Display Units
VHPValley Health Plan
VLMNVastus Lateralis Motor Nerve
VVCvulvovaginal candidiasis
WBCWhite Blood Cells
WMTIWellness and Massage Training Institute
Y-BOCSYale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale
gravpregnancy (gravida)

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