What does ETCH medical abbreviation mean?

What is the meaning of the medical term ETCH?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation ETCH. However, what does the medical term ETCH stand for?

ETCH medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In science & medicine, it is Every Time Choose Health the medical abbreviation ETCH stands for.

ETCH: Every Time Choose Health

Related Medical Abbreviations

AMIPSAbdominal Medical Image Proceeding System
AOCFAmerican Oral Cancer Foundation
ASAPSAmerican Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
ATSDRAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
BCEbasal cell epithelioma; bone collagen equivalents
BCPSBoard Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
BIRMBiomechanics in Regenerative Medicine
BPharmBachelor of Pharmacy
BWADEBleeding, Weight loss, Anemia, Dysphagia, Early satiety
CAcancer, carcinoma; cortical area; chronological age; coronary artery
CAEcomplement activity enzyme
CARPconfluent and reticulated papillomatosis
CCO(s)Coordinated Care Organization(s)
CD-ROMcompact disc read-only memory
CD4helper T lymphocytes
CETRcare, education and treatment review
CHORCenter for Health Outcomes Research
CT3Troponin T-C Antibody
CTDconnective tissue disease; cumulative trauma disorder
DHxdrug history
DOTDirectly Observed Therapy
EHBextensor hallucis brevis
EOSend of study
EWBEpidemiology Workforce Branch
FCAAFirst Colonies Anesthesia Associates
FHRfetal heart rate
FPGfasting plasma glucose
GFMgood fetal movement
GONGreater occipital nerve
HBPMhome blood pressure monitoring
HChydrocortisone; home care; head circumference
HEORHealth Economic and Outcomes Research
IBSIrritable Bowel Syndrome
IPMCIrish Private Medical Centres
IPOCinterdisciplinary plan of care
ITTinsulin tolerance test; intent to treat
IVFIntravenous Fluids; also In Vitro Fertilization
KDPIKidney Donor Profile Index
LWDliving with disease
MGmyasthenia gravis
MSImagnetic source imaging; microsatellite instability
NAPNESNational Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service
NHSNNational Healthcare Safety Network
NMJneuromuscular junction
NSNormal Saline
NZworkNew Zealand workers cohort
OCGoral cholecystogram
PANAHPakistan National Heart Association
PDParkinson’s Disease; also Personality Disorder and Peritoneal Dialysis
PFOPatent Foramen Ovale
PGMpaternal grandmother
PLACEpatient-led assessments of the care environment
PSSphysiologic saline solution; progressive systemic sclerosis
PTAPrior To Admission; Peritonsilar Abscess
PTHParathyroid hormone
R.B.C.red blood cells
RESreticuloendothelial system
RETrational emotive therapy; esotrophia (right)
RKradial keratotomy
ROreverse osmosis; rule out
RSDReflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
RSNRadiology Specialists of the Northwest
RhoGAMrh immune globulin
SAEserious adverse event
SAHSub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage
SCLCASmall Cell Lung Cancer
SDSUsame-day surgery unit
SPFSun Protection Formula
SRIserotonin reuptake inhibitor
STSSoft Tissue Swelling
SVGSaphenous Vein Graft
TBWtotal body water; total body weight
TFTthyroid function test
TPCRTotal Pathologic Complete Response
TlThallium (element)
UCCUrgent Care Center
UNSAUnstable Angina
UPDRSUnified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale
VKAvitamin K antagonist
XCexact carbon
microIUmicro-international unit
phnipinhole no improvement
psypsychiatry, psychology

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