What is the medical abbreviation EMTALA?
There may be more than one meaning of EMTALA. However, what does the EMTALA medical term mean?
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What is the meaning of EMTALA medical abbreviation?
In the medical field, the medical abbreviation EMTALA stands for The Emergency Medical Treatment And Active Labor Act.
EMTALA: The Emergency Medical Treatment And Active Labor Act
Related Medical Abbreviations
AAADD | Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder |
AADM | American Academy of Disaster Medicine |
AATP | Anesthesia Assistant Training Program |
AC | Anterior Chamber; also Acromio-Clavicular and Before Meals |
AD LIB | As Desired |
AMBP | Advanced Medical Billing Professionals |
APIMS | Annals of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences |
AR | Aortic Regurge |
AVC | Apical Vesicle Cluster |
BICU | Behavioral Intensive Care Unit |
CF | cystic fibrosis |
CGN | chronic glomerulonephritis |
CHRR | County Health Rankings and Roadmaps |
CMEP | Child Medical Evaluation Program |
COT | Nicotine/Cotinine (COT test) |
CSRMO | Civil Surgeon Resident Medical Officer |
CWVN | Children With Vocal Nodules |
CanL | Canine leishmaniasis |
DBT | dialectal behavioral therapy |
DMU | Diploma in Medical Ultrasound |
DOI | digital object identifier; date of injury |
DQ | developmental quotient |
DR | Diabetic Retinopathy |
DSM-IV | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition |
EED | erythema elevatum diutinum |
EHR | electronic health record |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
EMF | electromagnetic field; electromotive force |
FCAV | Foster Care Association of Victoria |
FFPE | fresh-frozen paraffin-embedded tissue |
GGSH | Gardens Green Space and Health |
GRP | Glucose-Regulated Protein |
HCV | Hepatitis C Virus |
HEALTHY | Health’s |
HHMI | Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
HSCQC | Health System Clinical Quality Committee |
HSMR | Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics |
HTN | Hypertension |
ICT | insulin coma therapy |
IDD | insulin dependent diabetes |
INKT | Invariant Natural Killer T |
ISMN | isosorbide mononitrate |
ISULL | Iowa State University Limnology Laboratory |
ITP | Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia |
JCMC | Jersey City Medical Center |
JVMR | Journal of Veterinary Medical Research |
LDUH | low-dose-unfractionated heparin |
LPMHC | Licenced Professional Mental Health Counselors |
LRSB | lower right sternal border |
LRSG | Laparoscopic Re-Sleeve Gastrectomy |
LVD | Left Ventricular Dysfunction |
MFHA | Multicultural Foodservice Hospitality Alliance |
MPDT | Mechanical Pain Detection Threshold |
MSDs | Musculoskeletal Disorders |
MTUS | Medical treatment utilization schedule |
MWS | Medical Waste Services |
Mag | magnesium |
NACRT | Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy |
NMAA | Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate |
NMHM | National Museum of Health and Medicine |
OHPF | Osteopathic Health Policy Fellowship |
OM | Otitis Media |
OP | Opening Pressure |
OPHS | office of public health and science |
PFTS | Pulmonary Function Tests |
PHPT | Public Health Pharmacology and Toxicology |
PLOF | Prior Level Of Function |
PSRO | professional standards review organization |
PSS | physiologic saline solution; progressive systemic sclerosis |
QMP | qualified medical practitioner |
RDME | Research and Development in Medical Education |
RDU | rheumatic disease unit |
RIMA | Right Internal Mammary Artery |
RPPC | Regional Perinatal Programs of California |
SCLE | subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus |
SHS | Safety Health and Survival |
SINS | Single Item Narcissism Scale |
SMAH | Science Medicine And Health |
SMRF | Summer Medical Research Fellowship |
SSIM | Sandy Springs Internal Medicine |
T-11 | eleventh thoracic vertebrum |
TCNR | Tumor Cell Necrosis Rate |
TRX | Trithorax |
TYU | Tyuleniy (virus) |
UPC | units of packed cells |
UPT | urine pregnancy test |
VNAA | Visiting Nurse Associations of America |
WCHF | World Congress on Heart Failure |
WDLS | Withdrawals |
nCi | nanocurie |
uPA | urokinase plasminogen activator |