What is the CVD medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation CVD mean?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the CVD abbreviation. Here is the meaning of CVD mean in medical terms.

What is the meaning of CVD medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation CVD means cardiovascular disease; cerebrovascular disease.

CVD: cardiovascular disease; cerebrovascular disease

Related Medical Abbreviations

AVSSAfebrile, Vital Signs Stable
BCLSbasic cardiac life support
BCPPBoard Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist
BRAOBranch Retinal Artery Occlusion
CLIAclinical laboratory improvement amendments
CMSCenters for Medicare and Medicaid
CTOclinical trial outline
CVPCentral Venous Pressure
CaCancer; carcinoma. For example, a patient who undergoing treatment for cancer should assure that they are eating and drinking enough fluids daily, both during and after treatment.
DQdevelopmental quotient
EAEexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis
EDPerythema dyschromicum perstans
ESIGelectronic signature
ETSenvironmental tobacco smoke (exposure)
FRSflexed rotated side bent
Ft.make (fiat)
G6-PDglucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
GGTgamma-glutamyl transferase
GPLIgG phospholipid unit
MCQmultiple-choice question
MDTmultidisciplinary team
MSMental Status; also Mitral Stenosis, Multiple Sclerosis and Morphine Sulfate
NCPAPnasal continuous positive airway pressure
NRnormal record; no record; non reactive
NSSPnormal size, shape, position
ONSoncology nursing society
PNFproprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
PTEMpregnancy test education materials
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
PWAperson with AIDS
REright eye; reproductive endocrinologist
RRAregistered record administrator
RUTright upper thigh
RVADRight Ventricular Assist Device
SIVPslow intravenous push
SOBEshortness of breath on exertion
TKATotal Knee Arthroplasty
TNBPtransurethral needle biopsy of prostate
TRBFtotal renal blood flow
UAPunlicensed assistive personnel; unstable angina pectoris
UECurgent and emergency care
g/dLgram per deciliter
umbumbilicus, umbilical

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