BHN medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What does the abbreviation BHN stand for in medical terms?

The BHN abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is BHN in medical terms?

BHN medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In science & medicine, the meaning of the BHN medical abbreviation is Behavioral Health Network.

BHN: Behavioral Health Network

Related Medical Abbreviations

3D_USThree Dimensional Ultrasonography
A&OAlert And Oriented
AATPAnesthesia Assistant Training Program
AFAtrial Fibrillation; Afebrile
AFTERAssessment Feedback Treatment Education And Recommendations
AHGAntihemophilic Globulin
AMA PCPIAmerican Medical Association Physician Consortium for Quality Improvement
BACblood alcohol concentration; bronchoalveolar cells
BAFMBritish Association in Forensic Medicine
BRDMCBaba Raghav Das Medical College
BSHPBehavioral Sciences and Health Promotion
CHSBCentral Health Services Building
CNTDCentre for Neglected Tropical Diseases
CPBcompetitive protein binding
CPPCerebral Perfusion Pressure
CRAOCentral Retinal Artery Occlusion
CRAPcontinuous positive airway pressure
CSIIcontinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
DLHdouble lumen hickman
DMHODistrict Medical and Health Offices
DWdistilled water
FAIRFacilitates,Allows,Inhibits,Restricts (occupational participation)
FDfire department; focal distance; fully dilated; fatal dose
FGFfibroblast growth factor
FHWFamily Health West
FHxfamily history
FTPfailure to progress
FUHSFinch University of Health Sciences
GCRMGlasgow Centre for Reproductive Medicine
GFMgood fetal movement
GRgrand rounds; glucocorticoid receptor
HLMSHealthy Living Medical Supply
HPhot pack
ICHNRInternational Congress of Head and Neck Radiology
IDLEsindolent lesions of epithelial origin
IMPHInstitute for Medicine and Public Health
INHTInstitute of Natural Health Technologies
IUGRintrauterine growth retardation
L/Rleft to right
LMOliving modified organism
MAPCMedical Assistance Personal Care
MBMPModified Bonn-Malmö Protocol
MBSMedical Benefits Schedule
MCHCmean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MCPJmetacarpophalangeal joint
MMDDMedical Manuals and Documents Division
MPAPmean pulmonary artery pressure
MSWMaster of Social Work; medical social worker
N/Cnasal cannula; no complaints
NMAANuclear Medicine Advanced Associate
O2SatOxygen saturation (percent)
PASpara amino-salicylic acid; para-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-schiff (stain)
PBRSSPrevention Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
PCOSpolycystic ovary syndrome
PCTApercutaneous transluminal angioplasty
PEG INFpegylated interferon
PIprincipal investigator; protease inhibitors; performance improvement; perfusion index; peripheral iridotomy; present illness; previous illness
PIFprolactin release-inhibiting factor; peak inspiratory flow
PNIperipheral nerve injury
POUplacenta, ovary, uterus
PVDPeripheral Vascular Disease; Posterior Vitreous Detachment
PrPprion protein
QNSQuantity Not Sufficient
R&Rrate and rhythm
RAArenin-angiotensin-aldosterone (system)
REBRebound, as in rebound tenderness of the abdomen when pushed in and then released.
RoRo antigen
SAAGSerum Ascites Albumin Gradient
STIDSexually -Transmitted Infection Disease
STTshort term tests
SUDsingle-use device; substance use disorder; sudden unexpected death
TIMIthrombolysis in myocardial infarction
TLSOthoracolumbar sacroorthosis
TNStranscutaneous nerve stimulation
TORSTrans-Oral Robotic Surgery
ULNUpper limits of normal
VEGFvascular endothelial growth factor
WTFHWomen Together For Health
indicindicate, indication
mg/dlmilligrams per deciliter
qPCRreal-time (quantitative) polymerase chain reaction
ssDNAsingle-stranded DNA
u/ourine output

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