What is the meaning of BADE medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation BADE mean?

The abbreviation BADE may have a few different meanings. However, what is BADE in medical terms?

BADE medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation BADE means Biomedical Applications for Digital Ecosystems.

BADE: Biomedical Applications for Digital Ecosystems

Related Medical Abbreviations

AMRIAmerican Medical Research Institute
APSIAnterior-Posterior Stability Index
ASCVDAtherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. A form of heart disease.
AYHAlign Your Health
BAHBoard of Animal Health
BAPENBritish Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
BPPVbenign paroxysmal positional vertigo
C/BComplicated By
C/TGcholesterol/triglyceride ratio
CNRclosed nasal reduction
COCcauterization of the cervix; Certificate of Coverage; combined oral contraceptive
CPhTCertified Pharmacy Technician
CRHcorticotropin-releasing hormone
CTAClear To Auscultation
CTRcarpal tunnel release
CYSchildren and youth services
DIABDepartment of Experimental Diabetology
DMSCDefense Medical Supply Center
DV/SAdomestic violence/sexual assault
EBVMAEvidence-Based Veterinary Medicine Association
ECUextensor carpi ulnaris; emergency care unit
EVARendovascular aneurysm repair
FIVforced inspiratory volume
G&Dgrowth and development
GITTglucose insulin tolerance test
GOMERSlang for “get out of my emergency room.”
HEWDepartment of Health, Education, and Welfare
HIMhealth information management; hepatosplenomegaly
HODADHands Of Death and Destruction
HOMBREHonduras Outreach Medical Brigada Relief Effort
HPAhypothalamic-pituitary axis; health protection agency
HSMLHistory of Science and Medicine Library
HVhome visit/visitor
IDVindinavir (antiviral drug)
IGIVimmune globulin intravenous
IPEMInstitute for Physics and Engineering in Medicine
ISAintrinsic sympathomimetic activity
JCMRJackson Community Medical Record
JE-MBInactivated, mouse brain-derived Japanese encephalitis vaccine (JE-Vax®) (no longer available)
LCAleft coronary artery
LCMELiaison Committee on Medical Education
LENISLower Extremity Non-Invasive Study
LPTlicensed physical therapist
LytesElectrolytes (potassium, sodium, carbon dioxide, and chloride).
MALmid-axillary line
MERCIMedical Empathy Right Communication Insight
MRSEmethicillin-resistant staphylococcus epidermidis
MSGTMalignant Salivary Gland Tumor
MUDmatched unrelated donor
MVPMitral Valve Prolapse
NBCCSNevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
NMCPNaval Medical Center Portsmouth
NOSHANorthern Occupational Safety Health Association
NSCnational safety council
NUCSNuclear Medicine
OYHOwn Your Health
P&Apercussion and auscultation
PCHWPositive Changes Hypnosis Westchester
PCUProgressive Care Unit
PHRpersonal health record; public health research
PR3proteinase 3
PSMBPopulation and Systems Medicine Board
QoLquality of life
RIUradioactive iodine uptake (test)
RVGRight Ventriculogram
RVRrapid ventricular response
Rbcsred blood cells
S/Asugar and acetone
SDstandard deviation
SIBself-injurious behavior
SLMLSt Louis Medical Librarians
SSRISelective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
SUIDsudden unexpected infant death
TEDSThromboembolism Deterrent Stockings
TPATissue Plasminogen Activator
TUMTtransurethral microwave thermotherapy
TlThallium (element)
VLCADvery long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
amylamyl nitrite
dDNAdenatured DNA
descdescent, descending
in vitroIn the laboratory
q.i.d.Four times daily. As in taking a medicine four times daily.
tbctubercle bacillus

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