What does ANED medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the ANED medical term mean?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of ANED abbreviation. However, what does the medical abbreviation ANED mean?

What is the meaning of ANED medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical term ANED stands for Alive no evidence of disease. The patient arrived in the ER alive with no evidence of disease..

ANED: Alive no evidence of disease. The patient arrived in the ER alive with no evidence of disease.

Related Medical Abbreviations

DPTdiphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (vaccine)
PPSpostpartum sterilization
RFtright foot
p.r.n.As needed. So that it is not always done, but done only when the situation calls for it (or example, taking a pain medication only when having pain and not without pain).
WNWDwell-nourished, well-developed
c.n.s.to be taken tomorrow night (cras nocte sumendus)
BSCbiological safety cabinet; bedside commode
Hghemoglobin; Mercury (element)
IUIintrauterine insemination
SAHSub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage
NAFLDnon-alcoholic fatty liver disease
UNSAUnstable Angina
PAWPpulmonary artery wedge pressure
BTFSbreast tumor frozen section
OOBOut Of Bed
B-Medbehavioral medicine
DECADevereux Early Childhood Assessment
TCHturn, cough, hyperinflate
HGAhuman granulocytic anaplasmosis
COOchief operating officer

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