AG medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

What does AG mean in medical terms?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of AG abbreviation. However, what is the meaning of the medical term AG?

AG medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation AG means Antigen.

AG: Antigen

Related Medical Abbreviations

A/V NickingArteriolar/Venous Nicking
AAADAtlanta Animal Allergy and Dermatology
APSMCAndhra Pradesh State Medical Council
AYAMAdolescent Young Adult Medicine
BINMBoucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine
BUEboth upper extremities
CASTcardiac arrhythmia suppression trial
CBCComplete Blood Count
CEBPCentre of Evidence Based Physiotherapy
CSHOCenter for Sustainable Health Outreach
CSVTCerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis
DCAP-BTLSdeformity, contusions, abrasions, punctures/penetrations, burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling
DDSDoctor of Dental Surgery
DMUDiploma in Medical Ultrasound
EHRelectronic health record
EKGElectrocardiogram (also known as ECG)
EMEDExpeditionary Medical Encounter Database
ESRDEnd Stage Renal Disease
FCEBFlinders Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
GMASGrid Medical Archive Solution
GPPAGeneral Practice Psychotherapy Association
GSWGun Shot Wound
GVHDGraft Versus Host Disease
HDCTHigh Dose Cytotoxic Therapy
HEMDHandicap Elderly Medically Disabled
HbAHemoglobin A
I&DIncise and Drain
ICMLInternational Comm of Medical Librarians
IDABInfectious Diseases Advisory Board
IICPincreased intracranial pressure
ILMVInactivated L. Monocytogenes Vaccine
IVPIntravenous Pyelogram
Id.the same
KCTTkaolin cephalin thromboplastin time
LAMlactation amenorrhea method
LECOMLake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
LPDluteal phase defect
LQR/LSRlocked quiet room/locked seclusion room
LTClong-term care (facility); long-term condition; low transverse cervical (c/s)
MCOPMedical Center Orthotics Prosthetics
MMPBMultilateral Medical Policy Board
NADNo Apparent Distress; No Acute Disease
NEDno evidence of disease
NFNMNetwork For Natural Medicine
NGSnext generation sequencing
NMATNational Medical Admission Test
NOSHANorthern Occupational Safety Health Association
NPHneutral protamine Hagedorn; no previous history; normal pressure hydrocephalus
NRDSneonatal respiratory distress syndrome
NSBRINational Space Biomedical Research Institute
NSCLCnon-small cell lung cancer
NVSneurological vital signs
OLCOn-Line Clinicians
OOHout of hospital
OSAObstructive Sleep Apnea
OTCOver The Counter
OVoffice visit
PHCGPublicis Healthcare Communications Group
PITSPain In The Stomach
PMIPoint of Maximum Impulse
PSISposterior-superior iliac spine
PSNMPhilippine Society of Nuclear Medicine
PTLpre-term labor
PTTPartial Thromboplastin Time
QIOquality improvement organization
RLWright lateral wrist
RTIreverse transcriptase inhibitors; respiratory tract infection
RVCresponds to verbal commands
RuRuthenium (element)
SCIspinal cord injury
SFeSerum Iron
SIRSSystemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
SLPspeech-language pathology
SP/GPsuicide precautions/general precautions
T&SType and Screen
TPPThe Phoenix Partnership
TURPTransurethral Prostatectomy
UECurgent and emergency care
USPUnited States Pharmacopeia
VBWvertical bitewings
WFTWhole Frickin Tooth
bpmbeats per minute
dieb. alt.every other day
disdisabled; discontinue; disease; discussed
gravpregnancy (gravida)
mgAantibody (allergy testing)
q.o.d.every other day (quaque altera die)
sigsignal; label; signature

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