What is the meaning of the FTND medical abbreviation?
The abbreviation FTND may have a few different meanings. However, what is FTND in medical terms?
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What does FTND medical abbreviation mean?
In science & medicine, the medical abbreviation FTND stands for full term normal delivery.
FTND: full term normal delivery
Related Medical Abbreviations
A/V Nicking | Arteriolar/Venous Nicking |
ASD | Atrial Septal Defect |
CHL | conductive hearing loss |
CIDP | Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy |
CLIA | clinical laboratory improvement amendments |
CPA | cerebellopontine angle; costophrenic angle |
CPHSS | Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale |
DID | dissociative identity disorder |
DON | director of nursing |
DRF | drip rate factor |
EFM | electronic fetal monitor |
FBC | full blood count |
Gyn | gynecolog(y/ist/ic) |
HAQ | health assessment questionnaire |
HDP | hydroxymethylene diphosphonate |
HI | Homicidal Ideation |
HM | hand movement |
KVO | Keep Vein Open |
LG | left gluteal/gluteus |
LR | Lactated Ringers |
LWS | low wall suction |
MCP | Metacarpal-Phalangeal |
MI | Myocardial Infarction |
MMP | Multiple Medical Problems |
MR | Mitral Regurgitation |
NCI | National Cancer Institute |
NFP | natural family planning |
NSV | non-specific vaginitis |
OGT | oral glucose tolerance (test) |
PMN | Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes |
PMU | pain management unit |
PetCO2 | partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide |
R0 | basic reproduction number (R naught) |
RIFA | right inner forearm |
RRR | Regular Rate and Rhythm |
RSI | repetitive strain injury; rapid sequence intubation |
RUE | Right Upper Extremity |
RVCT | report of verified case tuberculosis |
RVR | rapid ventricular response |
TCP | transcutaneous pacer; tumor control probability; thrombocytopenia |
TKE | terminal knee extension |
TR | Tricuspid Regurgitation |
fem | femoral; female |
grp | group |
iFR | instant wave-free ratio |
mJ | millijoule |
mOs | milliosmole |
pre-op | before surgery (pre-operative) |
qh | every hour |
ther | therapeutic, therapy |
ur | urine |