T2RF medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation T2RF?

There may be more than one meaning of T2RF. However, what is the medical abbreviation T2RF?

What does T2RF medical abbreviation mean?

In the medical field, the medical abbreviation T2RF stands for Type 2 Respiratory Failure.

T2RF: Type 2 Respiratory Failure

Related Medical Abbreviations

ABPAAllergic Broncho Pulmonary Aspergillosis
ADLTAdvanced Diagnostic Laboratory Test
APSAAmerican Physician Scientists Association
ASDHAssociation for Senior Day Health
BMSSABio Medical Science Students Association
CAAEChina Association Against Epilepsy
CCCHSDContra Costa County Health Services Department
CEHSCenter for Environmental Health and Safety
CERVICAL DILCervical Dilation
CHHRCertified in Healthcare Human Resources
CHOWCommunity Health Outreach Work
CIDIComposite International Diagnostic Interview
CIDPChronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
CNIACanadian Nursing Informatics Association
CVVHDContinuous Veno-venous Haemodialysis
DAIDSDevelopment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
DCHADistrict of Columbia Hospital Association
DICDisseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy
DMMADivision of Medicaid and Medical Assistance
DSECDental Student Ethics Committee
DSTdecision support tool; dexamethasone suppression test
EBHevidence-based healthcare
EBVMAEvidence-Based Veterinary Medicine Association
EHLelectrohydraulic lithotripsy; extensor hallucis longus
EHSMSEnvironmental Health and Safety Management System
FCHVFemale Community Health Volunteer
FYIPFirst Year Internship Program
G-tubegastrostomy tube
GHSSGlobal Health Strategies for Security
GRIDGradual Retrograde Immune Degeneration
GTTSDrops per minute
GWAGenome-Wide Association
HCLHard Contact Lens
HMDPHomology Database
HPETEHealth and Physical Education Teacher Education
HSNHHigh Street Natural Health
IDKInternal Derangement of the Knee
IFAPIchthyosis follicularis, alopecia, and photophobia syndrome
IFMCInternational Family Medicine Clinic
IMOHIraqi Ministry Of Health
IPVLInner PeriVitelline Layer
JMHJohnson Memorial Health
JPMCJane Phillips Medical Center
LCNLaboratory for Computational Neuroimaging
LMNLower Motor Neuron
MCCmajor complication or comorbidity; motorcycle collision
MLVMurine Leukemia Virus
NFAHNorth Florida Animal Hospital
NIAMHNorthern Ireland Association for Mental Health
NPONothing By Mouth
NRDSneonatal respiratory distress syndrome
OUCHOccupational Urgent Care Health
PHDCPersonal Health Device Communication
PIHOPost-inflammatory hypopigmentation
PLPPatient Left Practice
PLWPregnant and Lactating Women
PNC-Epost-necrotic cirrhosis-ethanol
QMCSOQualified Medical Child Support Orders
QPNGquinolone-resistant neisseria gonorrhea
QSADQuantitative Scale for Atypical Depression
QWGQing-wen Granule
RHIMEResearch and Humanities In Medical Education
ROFAright outer forearm
RPMSRemote Patient Monitoring System
RRAregistered record administrator
RSVRespiratory Syncytial Virus
SCBASelf–Contained Breathing Apparatus
SDATsenile dementia of the Alzheimer type
SIPPASaskatchewan International Physician Practice Assessment
SJMHSSaint Joseph Mercy Health System
SLRStraight Leg Raise
TADSTeenage Anxiety and Depression Solutions
TBAto be admitted; to be announced
TC&DBturn, cough, and deep breath
TPCFTreponema Pallidum Complement Fixation
TSLPthymic stromal lymphopoietin
UAPUUnit Acquired Pressure Ulcer
UASUrticaria Activity Score
UCAUser Created Animal
UHCGUrine Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
VAKVisual, Aural, And Kinaesthetic
VBSVesicular Breath Sound
VDRLvenereal disease research laboratory
WWWPWisconsin Well Woman Program
YNVYellowstone National Park Virus
YPSYoung Physicians Section
b.o.Body Odor
mRNAmessenger RNA; messenger ribonucleic acid
trachtracheotomy; trachea(l); tracheostomy

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