What does MCC medical abbreviation mean?

What does the abbreviation MCC mean in medical terms?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation MCC. However, what is MCC in medical terms?

What is the MCC medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation MCC means major complication or comorbidity; motorcycle collision.

MCC: major complication or comorbidity; motorcycle collision

Related Medical Abbreviations

O&Gobstetrics and gynecology
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
MRMitral Regurgitation
MIDmulti-infarct dementia; minimum infective dose
specspecimen; specification
OCoral contraceptive; osteocalcin; obstetrical conjugate; oleoresin capsicum; oral cavity
NDnot diagnosed; normal delivery; nondistended; Doctor of Naturopathy; neck dissection
A/V NickingArteriolar/Venous Nicking
DOTDirectly Observed Therapy
CCAcalcium channel antagonist; common carotid artery
LPNLicensed Practical Nurse
SAHSub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage
C DIFClostridium Difficile
POCTpoint of care testing
EENTeye, ear, nose, and throat
ADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
DOIdigital object identifier; date of injury
P VAXPneumococcal Vaccination
IOPIntra-Ocular Pressure
SrStrontium (element)
BRBPRBright Red Blood Per Rectum
BETBenign Essential Tremor
Paco2partial pressure of carbon dioxide in alveolar gas

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