HJRR medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What is the meaning of the HJRR medical abbreviation?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation HJRR. However, what does the medical term HJRR stand for?

HJRR medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation HJRR is HealthEast Joint Replacement Registry.

HJRR: HealthEast Joint Replacement Registry

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4R4(Lower Paratracheal nodes’ station) Right (side)
ABNERA Biomedical Named Entity Recognizer
ACFMAutomatic Cell Factory Manipulator
ADAGIOAmerican Dental Association Greatness in Oral
ADPadenosine diphosphate
AFRAcute renal failure
AIPSAdvanced Institute for Plastic Surgery, Inc.
AKIAcute Kidney Injury
AMENAdventist Medical Evangelism Network
AMERAAmerican Medical Education and Research Association
BPAEBovine Pulmonary Artery Endothelial
BSMMUBangladesh Sheikh Mujib Medical University
C-3fhird cervical vertebrum
CASTcardiac arrhythmia suppression trial
CBDICommon Bile Duct Injury
CDAHKChiropractic Doctors’ Association of Hong Kong
CDIClean Dry Intact
CJCollusive Joint
CMMChildren’s Medical Ministries
CSAEClinical Skills Assessment Examination
CVIPCitrus Valley Independent Physicians
DMNBDalhousie Medicine New Brunswick
DOHADepartment of Health and Ageing
EAHFEuropean Alcohol and Health Forum
ECNSEEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society
ERMMExpert Reviews in Molecular Medicine
FCAAFirst Colonies Anesthesia Associates
FFDAFamilies for Depression Awareness
FSMBFederation of State Medical Boards
HCBPHealth Care Benefit Packages
HFMIHealthcare Fiscal Management Inc
HHMDHealth Hazardous Materials Division
HRORBNHealth Records Officers Registration Board of Nigeria
HRSAHealth Resources and Services Administration (U.S.)
HRTNHospital Risoleta Tolentino Neves
HSLHormone Sensitive Lipase
HVPAHuron Valley Physicians Association
HbCHemoglobin C; abnormal hemoglobin
IACCInstitutional Animal Care Committee
IGHTSInstitute for Global Health and Translational Science
IIintellectual impairment
JJPJaw Joint Protector
KISKinetic Imaging System
LFHDLord Fairfax Health District
LLSLong leg splint
LRTIlower respiratory tract infection
MJMMarshall Journal of Medicine
MOHLTCMinistry Of Health and Long Term Care
MPEMyocardial Perfusion Echocardiography
MRDOMulti Resistant Drug Organisms
MRP-2Multidrug Resistans Related Protein
MRRSMedical Readiness and Reporting System
NAJNurses Association of Jamaica
NCCAOMNational Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
NOLCNO Loss of Control
OsOsmium (element)
PADQPakistan Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire
PSMLProgrammable Smart Machines Laboratory
RBCRed Blood Cell
RCMMRadboud Center for Mitochondrial Medicine
RDCURadiology Day Case Unit
RFtright foot
RHKRoyal Hospital Kilmainham
RLERight Lower Extremity
RNEFRadionuclide Ejection Fraction
SACISan Antonio Cancer Institute
SAMMCSan Antonio Military Medical Center
SEFSupplementary eye fields
SELAMSociety for Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine
SHEMSafety Health Environmental Manager
SILsquamous intraepithelial lesion
SMVSuperior Mesentric Vein
SOMSASpecial Operations Medicine Scientific Assembly
Sev DPSeverely Disabled Person
TCLolowest concentration resulting in a toxic effect
TMDCTransverse Magnetization Decay Curve
TPBTheory of Planned Behavior
TPFFTemporoParietal Fascia Flap
VSTTVentral SpinoThalamic Tract
WCWLWestern Canada Waiting List Project
WOIWithout incident
cAMPcyclic adenosine monophosphate
mm3cubic millimeter

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