LOEC medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

What does medical abbreviation LOEC mean?

There may be more than one meaning of LOEC. However, what does the medical abbreviation LOEC mean?

LOEC medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation LOEC means Loss of Earnings Capacity.

LOEC: Loss of Earnings Capacity

Related Medical Abbreviations

AOMCAcupuncture and Oriental Medicine Center
AOSPRMAsia Oceania Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
APCUAcute Palliative Care Unit
ARDAlcohol-Related Dementia
AiTLAngioimunnoblastic T- cell Lymphoma
B-ALLB-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
BACCBiomedical Acceleration and Commercialization Center
BAEBarium Enema
BAHBoard of Animal Health
BAPHBelgian Association of Public Health
BTLSbasic trauma life support
C/BComplicated By
CCTNCoronary Care-Trained Nurse
CDGSCarbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome
CLIAclinical laboratory improvement amendments
CMQCatholic Medical Quarterly
CMRUCanon Medical Research USA
CVFConfrontation visual field
DAIdiffuse axonal injury
DCVRNDeveloping Country Vaccine Regulators’ Network
DFIDDepartment for International Development
DOCdeoxycorticosterone; drug of choice
DRDiabetic Retinopathy
EIPextensor indicis proprius
EWDTEmis Web Document Template
FEFforced expiratory flow (rate)
FRCPEDFellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
FTEFull Time Equivalent
FUPAFat Upper Pubic Area
GMRPGeorgia Medical Resource Pool
HLPHealthy Living Pharmacy
HOTHypertension Optimal Treatment
HPAIVhighly pathogenic avian influenza virus, type H5N1
ICESInstitute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
ICSCInternational Chemical Safety Cards
IJMMInternational Journal of Medical Microbiology
KCLPotassium chloride.
LFTSliver function test series
LILTLow Intensity Laser Therapy
LMHDLocal Mental Health Director
LMSSLiverpool Medical Students Society
MBDminimal brain dysfunction
MDRBMedical Duty Review Board
MEHMental and Emotional Health
MMPMultiple Medical Problems
MRESMedical Response Emergency Software
MSIAMedical Sciences Interdepartmental Area
NCMINational Center for Medical Intelligence
NVAneurovascular assessment
O&Gobstetrics and gynecology
OOTout of town
OUBoth Eyes
PEPPECPresently Existing Patented Products to Eradicate Coronavirus
PRSPpenicillin-resistant streptococcus pneumoniae
QS/QSintrapulmonary shunting
RAArenin-angiotensin-aldosterone (system)
RADARrisk assessment of drugs analysis and response; radio detecting and ranging
RAIDrapid assessment, interface and discharge
RAPDrelative afferent pupillary defect
RHRNRomanian Harm Reduction Network
RIJRight Internal jugular [vein or catheter]
RNDRegistered Nutritionist-Dietitian
RPLNDRetroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection
SCRMSanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine
SEsubstantially equivalent; status epilepticus; side effects; standard error
SEMPIRSouth Eastern Melbourne Partners In Recovery
SHserum hepatitis; social history
SHPGSchool Health Professional Grant
SOD SALSODium SALicylate
SREBP1Sterol-Regulatory Element Binding Protein-1
SROsingle room occupancy
ScDDoctor of Science
T&SType and Screen
TFsTube Feeds
TUBThe Unknown Band
TURBTTransurethral Resection Bladder Tumor
VHvitreous hemorrhage; viral hepatitis; visual hallucinations
VINvulvar intraepithelial neoplasia
YCHSYork Centre for Health Studies
anti-HBcAntibody to hepatitis B core antigen
deldelivery, delivered
nLnanoliter (billionth of a liter)
sRNAsoluble RNA

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