What is the meaning of CBLS medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation CBLS mean?

In some cases, the abbreviation CBLS may have a few different meanings. However, what does CBLS mean in medical terms?

CBLS medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In science & medicine, the medical term CBLS means Center for Biomedical and Life Sciences.

CBLS: Center for Biomedical and Life Sciences

Related Medical Abbreviations

AANLAnesthesia Associates of New London
AFPAlpha Fetoprotein
AVNAvascular Necrosis; Atrio-Ventricular
B&CBoard and Care
BEAMbrain electrical activity mapping
BOSbacterial overgrowth syndrome; base of support
BSBbreath sounds bilateral
BSIblood stream infection; body substance isolation
BSNBachelor of Science in Nursing; bowel sounds normal
C/BComplicated By
C/DCup to Disk ratio
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
CDHcongenital dislocation hip
CNEchronic nervous exhaustion
CPhTCertified Pharmacy Technician
CUCchronic ulcerative colitis
CUmcubic micron
Chem panelChemistry panel. A comprehensive screening blood test that indicates the status of the liver, kidneys, and electrolytes.
D&Odiagnostic and observation
DDXDifferential Diagnosis
DSAdigital subtraction angiography
EOSend of study
EPBextensor pollicis brevis
FEMSFire Emergency Medical Services
FFPFresh Frozen Plasma
GRASEgenerally recognized as safe and effective
HAGGheat-aggregated IgG
HITHeparin Induced Thrombocytopenia
HPChistory of presenting complaint; human/hematopoietic progenitor cells
HPIHistory of Present Illness
IABCintra-aortic balloon counterpulsation
IDLEsindolent lesions of epithelial origin
ISBincentive spirometry breathing
IUIintrauterine insemination
IVADintravenous access device
LIFAleft inner forearm
LORloss of resistance
LPLumbar Puncture
LQTSlong QT syndrome
M2mitral second sound
MAOmonoamine oxidase
MCRAMedical Care Recovery Act
MTBmycobacterium tuberculosis
NIBPnon-invasive blood pressure
NICUNeonatal Intensive Care Unit
NPNurse Practitioner
OOTout of town
OPQRSTonset, provocation, quality, radiation, severity, time
OSAObstructive Sleep Apnea
OSCEobjective structured clinical examination
OTCOver The Counter
OTDOut The Door
OVoffice visit
PADPeripheral Arterial Disease
PCAPatient Controlled Analgesia
PCLPosterior Cruciate Ligament
PEPhysical Exam; also Pulmonary Embolism
PEMFpulsing electromagnetic field
PPNPeripheral Parenteral Nutrition
PRPpolysaccharide-ribitol-phosphate vaccine; platelet-rich plasma; pan retinal photocoagulation
PltPlatelets, one of the blood forming elements along with the white and red blood cells.
PsApsoriatic arthritis
RAFaright anterior forearm
RETrational emotive therapy; esotrophia (right)
RVRight Ventricle; Residual Volume
SPEPSerum Protein Electro-Pheresis
SS#Social Security Number
SSSsick sinus syndrome
SWDshort wave diathermy
TAVItranscatheter aortic valve implantation
UACumbilical artery catheter
UUNurine urea nitrogen
VFMvalue for money
VIGvaccinia immune globulin
divdivide, division
empas directed (modo praescripto)
mist.a mixture
mm3cubic millimeter
pgpicogram (one trillionth of a gram)
satsaturate, saturation
sigsignal; label; signature
toxtoxic, toxicity; toxicology
ut dictAs directed. As in taking a medicine according to the instructions that the health care professional gave in the office or in the past

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