What is the meaning of WURS medical abbreviation?

What does medical abbreviation WURS mean?

The WURS abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what does the medical term WURS mean?

What is WURS medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical term WURS stands for Wender Utah Rating Scale.

WURS: Wender Utah Rating Scale

Related Medical Abbreviations

ABSCSAutologous Blood Stem Cell Support
ACOAlert, Cooperative, Oriented
APTArterial Physiological Testing
BHRBehavioral Health Response
BPADbipolar affective disorder
BPdblood pressure, diastolic
C/CChief Complaints
CANChronic Allograft Nephropathy
CCDSCertified Cardiac Device Specialist
CCVSComforting Care Veterinary Services
CHLconductive hearing loss
CIDIComposite International Diagnostic Interview
CIOCorticosteroid-Induced Osteoporosis
CMDCComputerised Medication Dispensing Cabinets
COSLACurve Of Spee Leveling Appliance
CRDchronic respiratory disease
CYSchildren and youth services
DAARTDrug Alcohol Adolescent Residential Treatment
DLVCdouble lumen vascular catheter
EBCPR(S)Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Resource(S)
ECRemergency chemical restraints
EEEVEastern equine encephalitis virus
ENDTElectroNeuro Diagnostic Technology
FBMSFort Bend Medical Society
FOSFull Of Stool (constipated)
GDMOGeneral Duty Medical Officers
GIRCGenome Information Research Center
GONBGreater Occipital Nerve Block
GSGram Stain
GWTG-HFGet With The Guidelines – Heart Failure
HCDSHealth Care Delivery Systems
HCTAHealth Care Technology Assessment
HDRCHealth Disparities Research Collaborative
HFLEHealth and Family Life Education
HHMHeart Health Monitor
HMSNHereditary motor and sensory polyneuropathy type III
HNFHealth News Florida
ICGSInternational Cytogenetics And Genome Society
ICROMInternational Conference on Research in Osteopathic Medicine
IEMCIsland East Medical Centre
IGTimpaired glucose tolerance
IMOPInternal Medicine Operating Protocol
IPEMInstitute for Physics and Engineering in Medicine
JCMEJournal of Contemporary Medical Education
JLSRJoint Laboratory for Structural Research
KEMUKing Edward Medical University
KMFCKentucky Medical Freedom Coalition
LGBTLesbian Gay Bisexual Or Transgender
LHRHLeutinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone
MAAMedical Administrative Activities
MIMMMedical Marijuana In Massachusetts
MPEMyocardial Perfusion Echocardiography
NAONasal Airway Obstruction
NATCHNutrition Advanced Technology Care and Health
NHLNon-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
NKDANo Known Drug Allergies
NVRNeovascularization of the retina
OPELOcean Prediction Experimental Laboratory
P/EPhysical Examination
POLAPathology Of Laboratory Animals
PRIAPCR Rodent Infectious Agents
PVCPremature Ventricular Contraction
PrPraseodymium (element)
QGGQuasi- GlottoGram
REDSRetrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study
SADRStandard Ambulatory Data Record
SATHISouth Asian Total Health Initiative
SBHGSchool of Behavioral Health Global
SBOSmall Bowel Obstruction
SFGHSan Francisco General Hospital
SHxsocial history
SISIShort Increment Sensitivity Index
SLMCSri Lanka Medical Council
SMACsequential multiple analyzer computer
SRBASparser Relative Bundle Adjustment
SRSTStress Restrained Specimen Test
SUBRStates United for Biomedical Research
TMNBTranscranial Mediastinal Needle Biopsy
TOBITarget Of Brain Insulin
TSST-1Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin number 1
UBupper body
ULNUpper limits of normal
VEMSVillanova Emergency Medical Service
VMDRVeterinary Market Dynamics Report
WJOWorld Journal of Orthodontics
WWOXW W domain containing OXidoreductase gene

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